What and How do you do in the hot days?

It was 38.6C in Taipei yesterday.
It was really hot.
It is still up to 37C today.
Whatand how do you do in these hot days?

go for a swim in the ocean. have a beer before and after the swim. take lots of cold showers during the day and night.

[quote=“douseeme”]It was 38.6C in Taipei yesterday.
It was really hot.
It is still up to 37C today.
What and how do you do in these hot days?[/quote]

Well it’s only 24C where I live so I was very comfortable at home thank you.

Take the dog for a walk then go down to the river for a swim. Spend ti,e with my family and of course blog a bit on forumosa.

Todays another lovelly day

I sweat a lot. That’s about it. :frowning:

Stay indoors in air conditioned rooms.


Here’s a fun one if you live alone:
Take a bucket and fill it with water. Put a sheet (like for your bed) in the bucket and put it in the fridge. Keep it there for several hours/days/whatever. When you get home, take off all your clothes and wrap yourself in your sheet. It will feel exquisite for about a minute, but we take what we can get, right.

Movies are fun and air-conditioned.

Put your motorcycle helmet in the freezer and when it’s really cold, go for a drive. Nice stuff. Just don’t get into an accident or it may very well shatter into billions of tiny pieces.

Fill a bathtub with “cold” water from the tap and add about 6 packs of ice from 7-11. Get in. When it starts to feel uncomfortably cold, get out and enjoy the heat for several seconds. Drain tub and begin again (or just add more ice).

  1. Drink Heavily.
  2. Have lots of feinds with hefty a/c.
  3. Save sweat in Towels, use as anti-blue-truck devices.
    3.5 Use constant perimeter patrols.
  4. Sneeze & Fart all the time!
  5. Be fuggin’ happy goshdarnit!

[quote]Put your motorcycle helmet in the freezer and when it’s really cold, go for a drive.

Fill a bathtub with “cold” water from the tap and add about 6 packs of ice from 7-11. Get in. When it starts to feel uncomfortably cold, get out and enjoy the heat for several seconds. Drain tub and begin again (or just add more ice).[/quote]

It is worth trying.
Sounds good. :beer:

Go to The Wall on any nights where they play Death Metal and just jump into the mosh pit.

Wow! Heat-o-phobes! I went out on my mountain bike yesterday (at midday). Cycled from Kunyang to LinGuang MRT stations, then up over the mountain (via ChongDe* Street) and ended up at Mucha Zoo (any of you here one of the two guys I met while I was buying water?). Anyway, then some cycling along the river and back through the city to home (the only annoying part actually).
In all, a lovely 3 hour, 40k+ cycle in that lovely weather. A lot of water was drunk, btw.

I absolutely LOVE cycling in weather like that.

*(excuse my Romanisation)

You’re betraying yourself, Stu . Only mad dogs and Engrishmen, etc.


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]You’re betraying yourself, Stu . Only mad dogs and Engrishmen, etc.


I don’t know man, I think it might be to do with there only being one sunny day a year in Norn Iron. You know, if it’s ever over 20 degrees C over there, everyone’s lying in the city centre park with their shirts off. So when it’s sunny here, my brain is saying “must make the most of it. It might not be sunny for another year”.

[quote=“irishstu”]Wow! Heat-o-phobes! I went out on my mountain bike yesterday (at midday). Cycled from Kunyang to LinGuang MRT stations, then up over the mountain (via ChongDe* Street) and ended up at Muzha Zoo (any of you here one of the two guys I met while I was buying water?). Anyway, then some cycling along the river and back through the city to home (the only annoying part actually).
In all, a lovely 3 hour, 40k+ cycle in that lovely weather. A lot of water was drunk, btw.

I absolutely LOVE cycling in weather like that.

*(excuse my Romanisation)[/quote]Doing it naked helped.

Yeah well I know for a fact that yer man Lord Lucan sees a 20c day anywhere on the planet, sunny or no, as grounds to build anouther nuke plant to drive globa aircon output. And they throw him through the windows at ON TAP!


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Yeah well I know for a fact that yer man Lord Lucan sees a 20c day anywhere on the planet, sunny or no, as grounds to build anouther nuke plant to drive globa aircon output. And they throw him through the windows at ON TAP!


I hear bbq babies are all the rage this summer. babies and beer. babies and beer.

Nah, strictly winter and hot pot for me these days. Even swapped the beer for margaritas. You have to make some sacrifices for health sometimes, and frankly pushing a bike up big hills in stinky lycra isn’t even remotely on the agenda.


[quote=“irishstu”]Wow! Heat-o-phobes! I went out on my mountain bike yesterday (at midday). Cycled from Kunyang to LinGuang MRT stations, then up over the mountain (via ChongDe* Street) and ended up at Muzha Zoo (any of you here one of the two guys I met while I was buying water?). Anyway, then some cycling along the river and back through the city to home (the only annoying part actually).
In all, a lovely 3 hour, 40k+ cycle in that lovely weather. A lot of water was drunk, btw.

I absolutely LOVE cycling in weather like that.

*(excuse my Romanisation)[/quote]

So what shade of scarlet are you today, Stu? And what did you do about the 3rd-degree burns on your exposed parts?

But on the topic of the thread, there’s no better way to beat the heat than this: forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 545#756545

[quote=“Omniloquacious”][quote=“irishstu”]Wow! Heat-o-phobes! I went out on my mountain bike yesterday (at midday). Cycled from Kunyang to LinGuang MRT stations, then up over the mountain (via ChongDe* Street) and ended up at Muzha Zoo (any of you here one of the two guys I met while I was buying water?). Anyway, then some cycling along the river and back through the city to home (the only annoying part actually).
In all, a lovely 3 hour, 40k+ cycle in that lovely weather. A lot of water was drunk, btw.

I absolutely LOVE cycling in weather like that.

*(excuse my Romanisation)[/quote]

So what shade of scarlet are you today, Stu? And what did you do about the 3rd-degree burns on your exposed parts?

But on the topic of the thread, there’s no better way to beat the heat than this: forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 545#756545[/quote]

Actually, amazingly I’m not burnt. The helmet kept my whole head area shaded (always wear a helmet, kids). I have long baggy shorts, so the legs are fine. The only bits that got a fair bit of sun were my arms. I do have a fairly definite (and embarrassing) tan line, but apart from that, no scorching or anything.

And also, I have to vouch for the old hikes that Omnithingmajig mentioned. Great way to spend your weekends. Unfortunately family life currently only allows me about 3 hours escape.

i spent the saturday afternoon on the bike too, toiling away up yang ming shan. and it was hot, but it’s always cooler cycling with the moving air than just sitting around anywhere else, for some reason.

it was seriously hot: 40° in the sun… not too many other cyclists out, but a few. much cooler up top of course.

I’ve told you before – you ARE going to get yourself arrested one of these days for doing that.