What are the impacts of visiting a Psychiatric clinic?

I spoke all in Chinese over the phone. People say I lack accent so I guess she thought I was Taiwanese. When I arrived and gave my name she replied in English right away and started with her bla bla bla.

Should have just said you don’t speak English.

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I should. Everything was pretty fast and I didn’t think too much when she greeted me in English.
It was like: Oh èȘ°èȘ°èȘ°welcome to the clinic, doctor Who will see you at bla hour.
Me: ok thank you. I will wait over there (reception lounge.
Her: sure, btw the charge is 6k. I am sorry but I didn’t know you are a foreigner.
From then on I already knew I would waste my time there.

I least she told me before not after I had seen the doctor. I would be even more pissed.

Strange that they would rather get no money that hour than accept the 4k.
It’s not like that time would then get booked so quickly.

Greedy dudes. She said she would try to talk to the doctor and after she spent quite some time in private with him to discuss this I already didn’t feel comfortable enough to deal this POS doc. Especially in a specific field where you need to trust your doctor to talk about deep matters. Eventually she said the doctor made a lottery winning exception for me to make 4K first time and 6k the other times. Come on folks. I specifically said I wanted to do some therapy because of loss of very close family member and those generally take time. So they knew it would be at least a few months of therapy with minimum 2 visits per month.

Now I am doing it online. The problem is that in many countries the Association of Psychology limits the number of hours a professional can do it online. So I am with obviously a psychologist not from Taiwan. Such a waste of time here, and as @Andrew0409 said they are not much prepared. Went to a few many years ago when I had to do some counseling and it was a money wasting joke.

The psychiatrists are even worse, I had sleeping problems once and they gave me 4 strong things that basically were sedatives all 4 of them. I didn’t feel I slept it was as if I was knocked out and when I woke up i didn’t feel rested at all. Very weird feeling. Not to mention the whole time I was taking those (about a week or so) I couldn’t feel a single emotion. Someone could die in front of me I wouldn’t feel a thing. I stopped taking them fearing to lose my humanity.

I have a Taiwan friend who is a psychologist. He said pay, opportunities, appreciation from medical community are not there. He quit and opened a sandwich shop.


Really sad that mental health resources are in the sorry shape that they’re in here. Issues of mental health are so stigmatized that even the professionals don’t even seem to believe in what they’re doing

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Forget the psychologist. These guys will fix it all up for you.



With so much pressure and the fear of losing face even higher than in the west, Taiwan is a ticking bomb for big mental issues propagation. The lack of competent doctors is astounding.

I would only go back to a phychiatirst here if I was in some extremely serious condition. Other than that I would try everything on my own. I have been burned.

I just don’t think the field is caught up and doctors well trained. They don’t seem to know simple concepts. I felt like I was doing their job for them half the time. I have a lot of clinical hours clocked back in the states from volunteering in therapy and from trying to see if I wanted to go into the field myself. I felt like I knew more on how to help people.

The doctors here can really piss me off in their lack of knowledge about things out of the norm. They can be so by the books. They’re more like walking medical books than actual physicians who is passionate about medicine. And they can be so hard headed like denying that Cannabis can have medical uses.

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I second that.