What are the meanings of these two Chinese words?

I’m having a hard time trying to figure out the English equivalent of these two Chinese words. Can anyone help?


According to ABCC, 心得 xin1de2 is what one has learned from work, study etc.
感想 gan3xiang3 is impressions, reflections or thoughts.

Do you have a context for these? Providing context often helps us help you better understand the terms. :wink:

For example, I think I once saw xin1de2 in the context of 讀書~~ du2shu1 xin1de2, referring to the assignment of writing a book report.

Dear Dragonbones,

Thank you for your reply.

Here’s the context of the use:

After taking some training, the class was asked to write their 心得 and 感想 of the class. Now, I guess you could say that the teacher wanted the students to write what they learned and what their thoughts are. But are there more direct terms for these ideas in English?


[quote=“oprah”]Dear Dragonbones,

Thank you for your reply.

Here’s the context of the use:

After taking some training, the class was asked to write their 心得 and 感想 of the class. Now, I guess you could say that the teacher wanted the students to write what they learned and what their thoughts are. But are there more direct terms for these ideas in English?[/quote]
This is about as good as you can get it: “…the class was asked to write about what they learned and their impressions of the course.”

I agree with Chris.

I’ve seen this, and in a couple instances I’ve been asked to do it myself…for example, at the end of a package tour. (I would write: “I had a good time.”) I find it condescending as an adult. It’s something I might expect school teachers to request of their students. For adults, it’s nothing more than an opportunity to practice your bullshitting skills.