What are the overrated or underestimated Rock Groups?

I went to my English class to be a good student tonight because my English is getting worse.

I had a conversation about the history of Rock N’ Roll with my English teacher. We talked about how MTV changed artists performance style in 80s and the glorious days of the 60s and 70s rock.

And we have exchanged the ideas about the overrated and underestimated rock groups.
Well, basically he thought the bands in 90s to resent are all overrated.

I am thinking of my overrated and underestimated rock group list.

What are the rock groups or artists that you think they are overrated or underestimated?

[quote]Well, basically he thought the bands in 90s to resent are all overrated.
And he’s right. :wink:

U2. Yeah they have some songs that I really dig, but overall…eh.

The Beatles. :s

Damn, you beat me to it JD. U2 is one of the most overrated bands of all-time, IMO.

There’s bound to be arguments on this thread. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no?

Abba…REO Speedwagon, 3 good songs and thats it.

Jefferson Starship (not Jeff. Airplane)…


Kraftwerk(sp?)…euroweinie computer noise, IMO…

more to come after I wake up.

Where to start? INXS and the Doors had some good songs but not that many

and as much as i like his music I can’t help feeling that Zappa is overrated.

eno, through most of his career has been vastly underrated. i think he is one of the stars and helpeedd shape modern music well out of its original shell.

but then he managed U2. man, what a bummer. they were an OK minor rock band, then they rode the wave of sympathy for Ireland, and then they turned into gods. why? how?

i don’t think zappa is overrated. he was another musical polyglot who just shaped his own thing, and he was a damned good arranger and musician to boot.

flaming lips are underrated.

where can we stop once we start? it is very much a matter of muscical taste, anyway, so there really can’t be a definitive list.

Any band in which the singers (and guest dancers) dance in synch on stage while wearing cordless microphone headsets is overrated IMHO.

Any band or singer that needs to say their own name and talk about how cool they are in their songs is overrated, IMO.

Did we put those two kinds of bands in our rating list?

I think overrated is Prince or whatever his name is. (I can’t pronounce the symbol.)


Is great.

I saw Elvis Costello once and wondered why he wasn’t megahuge. He was outstanding.

Elvis belongs with Van Morrison.

They are real.

There are two sides in this thread. :slight_smile:
I think the underestimated groups is my all-time favoriate, The Thin White Rope. They are great!!

That woman who did ‘indian rope man’ is under-estimated.’

cowboy junkies are quite good


The Grateful Dead

Sorry, Tigerman. I guess you had to be there, and on the right drugs.

Ditto the Stone Roses and all that Madchester junk for the exact same reasons.