What are you reading? Political Books

Did it end with “The Netflix Deal?”

I think reading geopolitical books and watching a few Ted Talks on certain regions keeps one relatively up on historic arcs. China, Russia and Iran are playing boats this weekend. That has everything to do with America being a net energy exporter.

It’s all just the illusion of being informed until you go out and get data points yourself. Then you know how to tell the truth from the bullshit. But I’ve been commuting between opposite hemispheres, so…

Anybody read Matt Taibbi’s Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another?

Evidently Taibbi released it chapter by chapter, via email and free, last fall. Of course I completely missed the boat. It’s available in pdf online, although I’ll be skipping the interview with our old commie stooge Noam Chomsky (who states that Taiwan was one of many terrorist states set up by Reagan in an international terror network :crazy_face: ). It’s also available for ~US$9 on Amazon, but I am such a cheap bastard …

Anyway, anybody read the whole thing?

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Dog pile on Maddow!

Like other prime-time cable news hosts who receive much more criticism, Maddow shows up every weeknight and tells a devoted audience, “the world is as you want it to be.” Trump is the worst, he’s committed many terrible crimes, a reckoning is coming , we will be vindicated. Her audience is not interested in hearing the host or guests declare: “While we are vehemently opposed to Trump, but there is no evidence he’s being blackmailed or controlled by the Russian government.” Her program includes bits of news and other substances that appear to be like news, but are not — fervent speculation, conjecture, assumptions, theories. If it is too harsh to call it “fake news,” then it is news with artificial flavors and sweeteners, designed to make it more exciting and appealing than it really is.


Maddow’s the American left’s Alex Jones. Wild, bug-eyed conspiracy mongering papered over with a thin veneer of “journalism.” Unfortunately the media won’t disparage her like it does Jones, though, because she plays for the home team.

For a guy like me, used to waking up and reading a newspaper cover to cover, it’s a real chore to be without a good newspaper. I’ve been sorely tempted to take WaPo up on it’s repeated “come back to us” offer of $30/yr for their digital edition.

Even though Eric Wemple is evidently now writing critically about Rachel Maddow, I cannot bring myself yet to reward WaPo financially. They may be showing signs of repentance now, but like all of the MSM they have done so much damage that they deserve to fail financially, utterly and completely.

Still tempted, though. I sorely miss reading the news in the morning.


We should feel sorry for her because she can’t defend herself.

This looks interesting:

The Maddow / Alex Jones comp is pure stand up comedy. One is a centrist. One is a hate speech peddling extremist.

Which is which?

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As the great Louis Armstrong said when a reporter asked him what jazz was: “If you gotta ask, you’ll never know”.

Okay. Just wondering if you knew.

I didn’t ask :slight_smile:

Happy new year!

Must suck to be one of her viewers. Constantly promised things that never turn out to be true, I’m starting to think they get off on it and at some point someone like Greta Thunberg will innocently call them out and say “you guys are getting off on being humiliated aren’t you?”

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A centrist is someone who thinks there’s a center.

Or is hoping you think so.

Thanks for sharing! Good boy.

From what I’ve seen it’s mostly right-wingers drooling over how much they’d like to spank a teenager.

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Send the little truant here:

Brought to you by the guy who made Obamacare…

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Eh, that kind of cover always makes the hairs on my neck stand up. Books that proselytize faith in science are just as bad, if not worse, than political books that proselytize faith in God.

The biggest problem though is the pair of intertwined policy pythons in the middle of American politics now, climate change and socialism. Clearly American climate science policy has been hijacked by socialists. The authors may have terrific ideas, ideas that actually work, but until those pythons are separated - and socialism is made toothless again - the ideas are DOA, I think.

The best thing for America’s soul would be Trump vs Pocahontas this November, but the best thing for American domestic policy would be Trump vs Sanders.