What are your core values?

I was recently asked this question and had trouble replying. So, what are your core values?

When people ask questions as utterly asinine as that, you can be sure they’re interested only in hearing the “correct” kind of answer, so as long as you include words and phrases such as “synergistically,” “monetize mission-critical systems,” “generate ubiquitous initiatives,” “grow bleeding-edge portals,” “revolutionize impactful vortals,” “deploy 24/7 convergence,” etc., you can pretty much say whatever you want and they’ll swallow it hook, line and sinker and come away thinking that what you said actually made sense.

so anarchy would be one of yours, Sandman? :laughing:

Sandman’s totally right on this one, all comedy aside.

I don’t know that the question even makes any sense when applied to an individual. When applied to a business it at least makes sense in bullshit marketing jargon. Then you deploy Sandy’s responses of “monetizing third-generation synergistic opportunity wellsprings” or whatever. At which point the suits in the room will nod sagely and smile and no-one will be any the wiser.

Damn that’s an impressive display of nonsense. Seriously, did you have to look up those phrases or do you keep them handy for just such an occassional, much as someone might remember a joke or two?

Yeah, I felt really silly answering this question. Never thought of it…
Obviously the person wanted to hear something like “honest, professional, trustworthy…”

Man…try to get a simple answer on here…

Have some popcorn

[quote=“miso”]Yeah, I felt really silly answering this question. Never thought of it…
Obviously the person wanted to hear something like “honest, professional, trustworthy…”[/quote]
Precisely. An utterly asinine question, in other words. Like, this guy was maybe expecting you to say: “a cheat, completely unprofessional, wouldn’t trust myself as far as I could throw myself…”

Damn that’s an impressive display of nonsense. Seriously, did you have to look up those phrases or do you keep them handy for just such an occassional, much as someone might remember a joke or two?[/quote]
Google is your friend. http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html

Damn that’s an impressive display of nonsense. Seriously, did you have to look up those phrases or do you keep them handy for just such an occassional, much as someone might remember a joke or two?[/quote]
Google is your friend. http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html[/quote]

Wow, thanks for the link. :notworthy:

From an early age I have been taught to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

How come they always ask about one’s core values and never about the peripheral values? I would think those might be more meaningful as those are what one displays on the outside, unlike the core, which is buried deep inside.

When I hit puberty of course I rejected all of the above.

I’ve always thought epicurean values were closely associated with a love of food and other sensual things. In any case, I think these epicurean values are quite sensible (although the last one in moderation):


Let’s not underrate lust, lechery, lewdness, lasciviousness, salacity and bawdiness, folks.

Surely you also learned to help other people at all times, and to keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight?

Yes. On my honor I have done my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the Scout Laws, to help other people at all times, and to keep myself physically fit, morally straight, and mentally awake.

You’re straight?