What Constitutes a Good Post?

The boss started [url=http://tw.forumosa.com/t/newbie-faq/26512/1 tread[/url] in the feedback forum.

I think it’s a good idea. Some newbies don’t even know how to use the quote buttons. Aside from all the necessary things one needs to know to post on Forumosa, the Newbie FAQ could also have some answers to some more difficult questions newbies may ask themselves. I used to have a lot of questions as a newbee and I plan to contribute in that thread to highlight some of them old queries.

A while back, someone started a thread called “what makes a good poster?” Two things were omnipresent in most replies. A post has to be concise and a poster has to be consistent. In this thread, I’d like your opinions as to what makes a good post, not a good poster.

I’m not sure what kind of responses this thread will receive but maybe if we can come up with enough insights, it could become a link in the newbie FAQ. “What constitutes a good post” would be the link title obviously. Something a newbie could read to have a better idea of how to go about contributing constructively to the many threads.

Personally, I think there are different kinds of good posts.

1-Informative: When someone asks a question and you know the answer. Always a good post.

2-Helpful: Someone needs help, advice and you respond with good intentions.

3-Supportive: Someone posts a good post and you praise their contribution.

4-Funny posts: We all need to laugh.

5-Courageous: When you share something about yourself that many wouldn’t dare to. Always nice to know who are these people we interact with.

6-Thoughtful: When you put some perspective into a thread that is heading in the wrong direction.

Please feel free to comment or add to the above list.

I think the tone in a post is one of the most important thing as “it’s not what you say but how you say it” that often matters. We all know that.

How would you react to your own words if they were directed at you? Think about that before you post and you’ve already got a head-start to becoming a respected member of this community.

Thanks in advance,


7-On topic: When you actually post about what the thread is about. Off-topic posts are OK, only if they fall under the “funny” category. You’re doing fine Chief. :laughing:


8-Not submitted: That’s when one doesn’t post to avoid saying something stupid.

Oh c’mon now couch potatoes! Post your thoughts or I promise I’ll go back to being serious all the time! :snooty:


Ouch! Should have read rule 8 again. :blush:

[quote=“sandman”]Ouch! Should have read rule 8 again. :blush:[/quote]That one doesn’t apply to you. Thanks for bringing that up in fact. It should be in the newbie FAQ that once you reach 10,000 posts, you can post as much stupidity as you want. No one will ever take you seriously. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s like you need to do the walk before you can do the talk. :laughing:


I think a good post is one who gets the gift of the gab, in the Right Place, and At the Right Time.
Elucidation is a must…But then so is a good fart joke…

Y’eh. that’s THE 'tiCKeT!

“Nice & easy does it…
Nice & Easy Does It,
Every Time…”

A good post isn’t boring, insipid, re-hashed bullshit you downloaded from an old issue of good housekeeping magazine.

You don’t like Frank Sinatra? :question:

True. And neither is it remotely offensive in a re-hashed anti-social-frustrated-teenager like manner.

Seriously, take, take and take some more works well. But giving back a little never hurt anyone.


I think I make good posts but I guess I make some pretty bad ones when after I post NO ONE ELSE Posts. That’s a bad post isn’t it ?

No, that makes you a thread killer. No worries…I’ve caused quite a few posts to kick the proverbial bucket.

I’ve been dying for the right context in which to post this, and I guess this is as good as any:

[color=darkblue]A flamer is someone who posts without thinking. A lurker is someone who thinks without posting. But a Forumosan is someone who post in a way to provoke others to do both.[/color]

(I’m still fine tuning it…bear with me, please.)

No, that makes you a thread killer. No worries…I’ve caused quite a few posts to kick the proverbial bucket.

I’ve been dying for the right context in which to post this, and I guess this is as good as any:

[color=darkblue]A flamer is someone who posts without thinking. A lurker is someone who thinks without posting. But a Forumosan is someone who post in a way to provoke others to do both.[/color]

(I’m still fine tuning it…bear with me, please.)[/quote]

Haaaa! Now THAT’S on topic! :notworthy: And I like it.


Its a beautiful Saturday morning. My wife arrived from the States yesterday and I didn’t kill this post. YET!