What Did We Learn From Hillary Clinton?

During the heat of the orgy drama, Hillary could have easily made a big scene and
kicked Bill right in the balls in front of God and everybody. Women from all over the world
would stand firmly beside her. “Free Hillary!” “Oh, she shouldn’t suffer from any of this
humiliation!” “Divorce Him!”

A lot of feminists were very disappointed that not only Hillary declined their goodwills
but also she spoke for Billy timely with nasty “right-wing conspiracy” accusations!
We all understand now she’s looking at the larger picture all the time and she was too
smart to shoot her own feet. Shrewd? Yeah!
She’s entitled to make her own decision anyway, and
pursuit whatever the best for her.

Now let’s look at the spectators again. How do we judge these outcries?
Many of them did care about Hillary and wanted to help her to get away from that standing prick.
They had no idea that they’re actually dragging her around. Many of the ‘supporters’ were, however,
right-wing politicians and they simply wanted to see the “Clintons” crushed into pieces.
Any destruction from inside the first family would be a godsend.

The actual sex scandle has little to do with the underline moral here:
All separatists should re-evaluate the pros and cons by looking at the entire
situation. Mao, CKS, and others did committ unforgivable crimes and the justice is
yet to be rewarded, but your runaway in the name of democracy can be
a worse decision. Look at today’s Africa!

You, the conscientious bleeding hearts, please don’t just blindly fuel any independency movement.
The outcome may not be the best interest of the people that you try to help.
Study them and compare all sides of stories. Don’t just listen to the TI activists.

If you are the ‘right-wing’ guy, be careful and don’t overdo it.

[quote]but your runaway in the name of democracy can be a worse decision.
Just look at today’s Africa.
Indeed. Poor Africa. On the other hand, it can also be a much, much better decision.
Just look at Taiwan.

You never have doubt that you might be in the #2 group?


[color=red]TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE NOW![/color]

While you’re in Taiwan, learn something, will ya?


So far so bad, not many educated people here… if you want to attack, make your point.

I’ll appreciate it if you try to hit me in the face, instead of wandering around looking for me…

The problem is Tomyang that you make some assumptions that don’t hold water. I would tend to believe that feminists criticized HC because they felt her decision was unprincipled, not because they harbored some secret agenda. Likewise your suggestion that people here who disagree with your point of view are “bleeding hearts” and should rethink their opinions on that basis, that they shouldn’t listen to “activists” who disagree with your point of view, etc. is insulting. People here have developed opinions, not everyone has to stand in the center. When you patronize people who don’t, it’s not surprising that you are insulted. jmo

Am I the only who does not understand what the hell tomyang is on about?

Its been a long while since I edited Chinglish.

Hillary needs Bill to further her political aims. What he did was not the best thing in the world, maybe Monica has an amazing mouth…But Hillary needs Bill.

[quote=“Alleycat”]Am I the only who does not understand what the hell tomyang is on about?

Its been a long while since I edited Chinglish.[/quote]

He’s trying to use Chinese logic to draw a connection between the Clinton sex scandal, feminism, and the Taiwanese independence movement … I never thought they’d get that desperate for excuses to take over Taiwan. :unamused:

And for Tomyang, I’m assuming that you’re from mainland China … have you ever been to Taiwan, or are you just spouting out the crap that your government in Beijing tells you? Taiwan has plenty of problems, but one thing that it has that China doesn’t (besides money, relative stability, improvement in human rights, a free media, and no AK-47 wielding soldiers patrolling around in “autonomous regions”) is that people here have their own opinions instead of the “Motherland” where everyone just spits out the same crap that they’ve been brainwashed with. Tell me, what’s wrong with letting the people make up their own minds? China won’t even let its own people decide if they want to watch CNN, but our governments let us make up our own minds … we can even read your crappy English-language communist newspapers, and our governments aren’t worried that we might possibly take up the cause of communism.

I am 100% Taiwanese. If you don’t believe it, ask me some most
detailed questions that only a person grew up in Taiwan knows.

I am at the position of HC and I try to get your attension to listen
to what a Taiwanese has to say. You don’t bother.

From many responses here… it only confirms one thing–
you are not the bleeding hearts you pretended to be, you don’t
care about the future of Taiwanese/Chinese, you just want to
see China in pieces.

I’ve warned you to be carefur not to overdo it, haven’t I?
One simple post reveals your true color. Pathetic, indeed.

With or without you, China is standing up and walking out
the nightmare you caused from the Opium War on. I’ve been
to 50 countries and speak 5 languages with a Ph.D from Univ. of
California in Astrophysics. You know what, there’re
at least 100 thousands Chinese today just like me or better, and
most of all, all with the same understanding.
We are the ones determine the fates of Chinese in the near future.
How much longer will you stay in denial?

Can you count? 1, 2, 3, 4, … , 1000, … , 100000, …
You want to shut all of us up? or kill all of us?

[quote=“Alleycat”]Am I the only who does not understand what the hell tomyang is on about?

Its been a long while since I edited Chinglish.[/quote]

It’s a bid for attention. It might be Nancy Wu in disguise.

denial, denial, denial…

I was born in General Military Hospital in Ho-Pin W. Rd in 62’.
Moved to Chung-Ho since I was 9. You are invited to my place
by March 20 – Yuan-Tong Rd, Ln 145, No. xx, Chung-Ho. My Taiwan
ID is # A1214011xx. Finished my 6th grade in Chung-Ho Elementary
school, 9th grade from Chung-Ho Junior High, 12th in the Affiliated
High School of Taiwan Normal Univ. at Tsing-Yee Rd, Sec III, went
to medical school in Kaohsiung for several months, transferred to
Nat’l Taiwan Univ. studying Biochem there for 3 years, and finally
finished off in Nat’l Tsing-Hua Univ. in Tsin Chu with a B.S. in Physics.
Now, if you look at the back of a Taiwanese letter envelope, you find
all the places with zip codes… I’ve been to every single one of
them except some outislands. I ended up having climbed 70’s of
the 100 peaks over 3,000m there.
Ah, bon, je parle francais tres bien et/y claro…

For other Taiwanese here and/or you can read some Chinese:

大學時代, 爬山! 戒嚴時, 甲種山區管制, 為了逃避警總入山證 及山區檢查
哨, 經常跑 思源啞口, 武陵農場, 大禹嶺, 克難關, 東埔溫泉, 南橫啞口 (在桃源, 甲 仙 或 關山 辦乙種入山證) 記得我和弟弟經常半夜三點從二樓洋台跳下, 趕搭台北 4:15am 開蘇澳的普通車; 車上不是放長線海釣的, 就是爬山的! 八通關古道, 三上四下! 有一回, 半夜一點離開阿里山, 走泥濘的新中橫, 欲摸過自忠檢察哨, 可惜天亮狗叫被逮個正著, 只得原路走回阿里山. 另一次, 夜宿水里, 準備走南二段, 第二天上觀高(八通關) 的材車居然不開. 臨時改變計劃, 爬能高安東軍! 搭車到埔里, 轉環山部落, 走天池保線所. 臺電員工拿出埔里陳年紹興, 共渡中秋. 走在奇萊青青大草原的中央山脈主脊上, 腳下花蓮木瓜溪出海, 銀光閃閃. 三分之二個台灣盡在眼簾! 因為事出臨時, 我們沒帶北三斷的地圖及資料. 無所謂, 反正都在腦袋裡了.我和弟弟最後, 百岳爬了七十幾個; 相信他今天還可以背出三角點種類, 及標高.

OK, Tom Yang, I believe you that you’re from Taiwan, but I still have trouble understanding why anyone from Taiwan would want Taiwan to be unified with China. I don’t care about historical reasons why you may feel that it rightfully belongs to China. I want to hear why it is in the best interests of the people of Taiwan for the ROC and PRC to be unified. What can the people of Taiwan gain by unification?

What does this have to do with HC?

[quote=“tomyang”]I am 100% Taiwanese. If you don’t believe it, ask me some most
detailed questions that only a person grew up in Taiwan knows.

I am at the position of HC and I try to tell you to listen to what a
Taiwanese has to say. You don’t bother.[/quote]

First of all, tomyang, I totally forgot about the whole Hillary Clinton thing. That is so 90s. But, you still haven’t given us a reason–how would Taiwan benefit from reunification with the mainland at this point? The mainland is filthy and corrupt, even more corrupt than Taiwan. Have you ever seen a locally grown apple or pear in the mainland? Yuck! It wasn’t until like the early 90s that most people in the mainland could actually use an escalator. Look at the scary pollution and HIV rates in the mainland. Who wants to reunify with that? All the good Chinese treasures are already over here at the National Palace museum anyway.

[quote=“tomyang”] I’ve been
to 50 countries and speak 5 languages with a Ph.D from Univ. of
California in Astrophysics.[/quote]

Well, big deal. I won a free bag of groceries in a bubblegum blowing contest once.

You know what, there’re
at least 100 thousand Chinese today just like me or better, and
most of all, all with the same understanding.
We are the ones determine the fate of Chinese in the near future.
How much longer will you stay in denial?

Can you count? 1, 2, 3, 4, … , 1000, … 100000, …
You want to shut all of us up? or kill all of us?[/quote]

No, we don’t want to kill you, we just want to have sexual intercourse with you so our children will carry on your superior genes.

Try as you might I just don’t see how the comparison between Hillary Clinton and Taiwan makes any sense. Has the president of the R.O.C. been having “is” sex with another country?