I know there is oodles of info on this site, but I just want the basic fast answer. I spent over 2 and a half years in Mainland china and travelled quite a bit around the world and I never even considered getting a vaccination. I am surprised how many people get fully vaccinated to go to Taiwan. What’s up with that? Is Hep A that outrageous there? I once stayed on a pig farm in the mountains of Northern Thailand, and that was one time I did get worried about Japanese Encephalitis. But in Taiwan? I’m surprised.
anyone got the stats on how many people in Taiwan actually get these diseases?
In China I show up at a job and smile and then I start teaching. It looks like Taiwan you need to be more prepared. I got a Masters Degree, so I’m not fresh out of high school or anything. Do I bring the original copy or is a photocopy good enough? Do I need to bring the Bachelor’s Degree too? Do I need letters of recommendation to teach there? Should I do a Tefl class before I go. They got online courses I can whip out in like 40 hours.
I assume get a 30-60 day tourist visa then a school will fix the visa for you. Is this correct?
It’s good to have a refresh every 10-20 years or so … i did it in 1992 when I first cam here. It’s so easy, just drip the juice on a sugar cube and eat it …
Hepatitis is a major problem here on the island. Do your research about it.
It is something to be aware of, IMO.
Leprosy is under control…pretty much. Elephantiasis has made a come back in some population segments. And there have been reports of outbreaks of S.C.A.I. occurring.
So Hepatitis A you are talking about is widespread? That would suck. I mean does that mean Taiwanese are taking a crap, not washing their hands then making your food? That’s insane!
Dragonbones I didn’t mean what to bring like those guys asked on those links. I’m bringing a guitar and some clothes. I meant for teaching and I am trying to figure out the whole vaccination thing. Thanks though. I’ll probably bring dental floss though.
Yeah well, then it’s likely that you got Hep.A (at least) anyway and it healed out without much demage. In this case you’re safe for the rest of your life, like, 95%? of the mainland population…
I think I would have known if I had Hep A. So does everyone here agree the Hep A vaccine is important to get if going to live in Taiwan? Hep B is more from blood and sex don’t you think? Condoms may be better than a vaccine that fills your body with aluminum and mercury. I think all Westerners are vaccinated with Polio at birth.
All this about getting vaccines is hokum. Sure, people get sick from time to time, they even come down with crap like dengue fever, hepatitis and heat rash.
I lived on Taiwan for 20 years and never had a shot (except one for tetanis after a taxi driver bit my thumb down to the bone).
They are a waste of time and money and some make it easier for you to become infected later. I have stayed in 57 cities in India, lived in Ho Chi Minh City for a year, been in Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Canada and have lived in Thailand for over a year all without incident.
Anyway, what do you think Taiwan is? Some shitehole backwater?
(…as for smiling and getting a job teaching English, I can see you have all the qualifications needed for a robust career in Taiwan.)