What do you do when your favourite musos hit 60?

Paul Brady’s 60. Christ on a bike. Hard Station (see avatar) seems like yesterday. I looked up some others. They’re all grandparents now. I’m going to buy a blazer and slacks. Probably Farrahs. Like me da used to wear. Fuck. I should have gone to America and grown old gracefully (gracelessly) when I had the chance in 19itdoesn’tmatteranymore.

Mid-life crisis anyone?

Those Lotus Elise open-top sports cars look great to me. I caught myself looking at E-Types on Autotrader. I think I’d rather have an Interceptor. Sandman?

I had my midlife crisis at 28.

I am looking forward to all the meaningless recreational sex. However at the moment all I have is a tin of Heineken that appears to be frozen.

Not sure if that’s pessimistic or optimistic, I mean if it were me, of course.


Paul Brady? 60?

That’s nothing. Have you seen Keith Richards lately?