What do you find and do with things found in a taxi

The last few weeks I found separately a non-smartphone, a set of scooter keys, and a coin purse with money and cash card.

I always give everything to the driver but consider that if I find something with any ID then I might try to find the owner myself.

Coins. Have always pocketed them.

finders keepers

For things found on the road: finders keepers unless it’s easy to look for the owner (wallet, smartphone etc)

For things found on a taxi or inside a store: I usually inform the driver/staff

There’s a chance the driver/staff will just keep the thing for themselves, but whatever. Don’t want to end up on bloody AppleDaily:“FoReiGnEr FinDs a tHiNg aNd KeEpS iT !!1!1!!one”, there’s security cameras everywhere.