What favorite book is a dating deal-breaker?

Not my favorite, but both were in my bookshelf.

Both have been mentioned already, multiple times…along with the Bible, of course. Let’s get more creative, people!

Okay… the ‘DaVinci Code’, any Harry Potter book, any of those Nicholas Sparks romance novels, ‘Hunger Games’ books, etc. basically any intellectually shallow literary “junk food.”

How about a girl who can’t decide between those three?

Mein Kampf
The Bible
Das Kapital

That would make her kind of interesting.


Already mentioned.

OK, that’s better.

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Oh! Did anyone mention that rich middle aged white woman having exciting adventures in poor brown people country epic ‘Eat, Pray, Love’?

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Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung


General Secretary Xi Jinping important speech series

Great minds…

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Darn it! I’ll try again later…

Best to mention the worst books and see if it’s a deal breaker.

If a book is a deal breaker, the date wasn’t worth it.

You want creative? Here you go.


Honestly, if a girl is reading Mein Kampf I’d be curious to talk to her. I’m betting there’s an interesting reason for her to be reading it that goes beyond “heil Hitler!”

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What’s wrong with women who like to bowl? :thinking:

“Favorite book”


There’s nothing wrong with liking Harry Potter.

Never read his books, but some romance novels can be pretty good.

Favorite book


Ah my bad. Well still, I’m white, blond, with blue eyes so I’d take it as a sign that I’m her type.


It would be a little weird, but not a deal-breaker.

Especially if you go by the Urban Dictionary interpretation. :laughing: :laughing:

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When I was in the (British) Army, I used to carry a copy of Mao in the top left pocket of my combat jacket for when we were playing "“Red Force” (i.e. The Enemy) on exercise.

It was small with a red plastic cover, so quite handy, and IIRC, free because the PRC were in a circulation war with the Gideon Society)

He writes about guerrilla warfare quite a lot.

I gave short pithy readings to my platoon during briefings, mostly for the benefit of any passing osiffers.

I like to think it made them a bit nervous…

For a short time I think it was perhaps my favorite book.