What Gained?

a new perspective on the world
a cute sexy gf who amazes me every single day
a new career
a few kilos
more luggage, personal and otherwise
joie de vivre
huge sums of money i have spent of wine, women and song
a fearless view of the future with no retirement plan or 401 funds

my youth
my innocence
my hair
my cynicism
my despair
my je ne sais pas
a few kilos
huge sums of money i could have been making back home and saved
my retirement pension back home

a few kilos [/quote]

Hey! I found them. Need them back because I’ve been looking to get rid of them?

I like the way Hexuan put that. It’s a mystery I wish I knew the answer to. Why do some of us with our roots and history someplace else entirely fit in here as though we were meant to be here? It should be an alien culture to us in every way but I feel as comfortable here as if I were born and raised here, even more comfortable than in my own homeland.

Is there some kind of spiny re-incarnation angle to it? Don’t know.

Hexuan, tell me a story that will help me understand this mystery. Create a straw man and breathe life into him and let me watch him walk around and deal with these things and figure it all out in a way I can’t seem to be able to with my own limited human powers.

Get your elbows off that bar and get to work. You’re an Irishman. You’re born to the job.