What game are you playing?

Which is why I quit playing it. Every time they come out with new content or items, they made them so freakin’ expensive that it’s almost unobtainable without buying shark cards. The game promotes griefing so much that it’s a miserable slog trying to make any money with one of your businesses.

A decent money maker was the import/export business, but it’s not safe if there are a lot of people on the server. If they blow your car up during the delivery, or just damage it enough, you wasted a bunch of time and actually lost money. And there’s usually at least one guy in a jet doing just that.

There’s some weird ones, one where you get raped if you walk into a NPCs house. There’s a bunch of klan meetings you can stumble upon. These aren’t even side quests. Just like random encounters

I have one mission and then I’m finished with Chapter 2.

Yesterday I found the fisherman guy who gave me a map to the legendary fish. It was by the shore so I tried fishing for a while. Kept losing the fish but I think I’ve figured it out now. Ended up catching a few. I think next time I’ll go out on a boat and see what I can catch. Fish seem to get you more money from the butcher than hunting does.

I thought Online would be out around this time but I guess they’re really going to delay it. I’m not too worried, it’s just funny. Like when GTA VI came out I think they surprised us day-of, saying online wasn’t ready. At least customers are prepared. I’m not big into online games anyway.

Oh, speaking of GTA Online, log in this week for bonus dollars. I think logging in once will get you $750,000 (they’ll put it in your bank later this month).

My wife just started playing it on switch. She finds it too scary to play at some parts.

How did you find it? I checked out the synopsis on Wikipedia and it looks like it has a pretty complicated/interesting storyline.

It’s a short game, but a very cool experience. Spooky as shit, especially if you went to school here.

How long did it take you to play thru?

Not long at all, maybe 4 hours? And that’s a generous estimate. I played it a little bit every night for about a week.

I basically am doing everything I can except that mission, because, you know, fuck Micah!

At one point, Micah was in camp trying to persuade Dutch he was being honest with him. I then had some interactions with other people asking them if they saw him donate any money from our score. Dutch later told me that he doesn’t trust him.

Those aren’t even parts of a mission, it’s just stuff that went on in free roam. Crazy how immersive they managed to make everything that happens.

And, yeah, Micah seems like a dick.

Damn, I’m already at the epilogues.

I actually haven’t logged that many hours yet…but still felt like leaving Micah in jail as long as I can. lol

Lol, sums the game up really well.

Why is the talk and pulling guns out to aim at them the same fucking button!!! Who thought of this???


Red Dead Online opens this week! Guess I’ll finally go break Micah out. Dutch said to have a little faith!

I had a problem with that when I first started, but I’m okay with it now. As long as you don’t have a weapon drawn, you’re fine. If you forget to put your rifle away, shit could go down.

“In my defense, what game ever used R1 as brake?” - I still screw that up.

I may fire it up for a little while but I’m still having fun with single player mode. Caught a bunch of fish yesterday and went into town for supplies.

Holy crap, this game has me running errands.

Just found the bait shop that sells the special lures a couple of days ago. Wasted some time trying for legendary fish. Followed the Jack Hill Gang treasure map yesterday. Doing everything except the Micah quest, but I guess I’ll start progressing more since I love the story and want to finish it instead of just jumping into online.

I even do the camp chores! lol

That gives you decent dead eye experience. I’ve since moved camps, but in the last camp I would chop wood every chance I got.

I’ve read you can just shoot the legendary fish. Haven’t gone looking for one yet. I am considering going after a legendary animal sometime soon. I’ve only ever come across that bear (and died).

Has anybody else tried Read Dead Online? I turned it on for a bit yesterday and thought it was fairly well done. They’re going to be pushing the micro-transactions pretty hard, you can tell.

Was hoping to jump in and check it out last night, but apparently I didn’t play on day one as it wasn’t available for me. I’ll try tonight. Just afraid it’s gonna be like GTAO and be a big grief-fest. I’ve heard Blackwater is basically this, just a bunch of people killing you when you try to go get a quest.

Hopefully when it’s out of Beta, they’ll have private servers and whatnot. Just wanna run around with some friends and do some outlawing. PVE servers would be good too. Like WOW was, where you could manually flag yourself as PVP if you wanted to fight others.

I finished red dead. :sob:

When I finally finish, I might do a dishonorable run… Nobody will be safe!

I finally broke Micah out and started into chapter 3. I like the new camp.