What Happened To His Country?


A writer in the USA, Steve Osborn, asks “what happened to my country” in an online commentary. Thought provoking…

Note: [Osborn is a freelance writer living in the Pacific Northwest. He is an “Atomic Vet.” (Operation
Redwing, Bikini Atoll 1956, ) who has been very active working and writing
for nuclear disarmament and world peace. He is a retired Fire Battalion
Chief, lifelong sailor, writer, poet, philosopher, historian and former
newspaper columnist.]


"Now I live in an America I don

I have to agree with the author of your article. I am distressed by the way the Bush administration has chosen to go about conducting it’s war on terror. It has chosen to pre-empt on false pretexts, it has chosen to ignore past practice of not torturing prisoners of war (Iraq, Abu Ghraib), it as chosen to ignore the constitution and the law (NSA spy program, FISA), and it has strained old alliances with Europe (Spain, France, etc.). I think these are all bad policy decisions.


Of course its his right to feel this way.
And its certainly anyones right to blame President Bush.

But considering this guys background, does one really expect anything else from him?



"Now I live in an America I don