Not to be nit-picky, but I wrote a rather long post on MT’s “Die Children Die” thread last night which took me considerable time (and of which I was somewhat proud). Why’d the thread disappear? Has it been zapped?
Its still here. However, it has been re-named “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All”. I presume the author (not I) re-named the thread.
[quote=“Vay”]Not to be nit-picky, but I wrote a rather long post on MT’s “Die Children Die” thread last night which took me considerable time (and of which I was somewhat proud). Why’d the thread disappear? Has it been zapped?[/quote]I think someone keeps changing the name, which is a bit naughty, eh tiggerman ?
Would this be it ?
True tiggerman.
I was told, correctly, that my original title, “Killing women and children in Afghanistan,” was sexist, so I changed it.
I was then told that the title, “Die Children, die, die, die,” was trying to make a political point. While I strenuously refute that assertion, somehow it seemed a little too morbid for the holiday season, so I changed it to its present title:
Peace on Earth. Goodwill to All.
Sorry for the confusion. Not trying to be naughty. Just trying to be nice.
[quote=“Mother Theresa”]I was then told that the title, “Die Children, die, die, die,” was trying to make a political point. [/quote]You were trying to make a political point in the political forum ? :shock: Mods ? This calls for a banning :moo:
For the record, I haven’t any real problem with re-naming the thread. I suppose it could cause problems, however, such as that raised by Vay… but anyone can search for their own posts using the search function on this site.
Speaking of changing things, I have to complain about the fact that you (Tigerman) are changing your avatar a bit often! I keep thinking, oh, here’s this new guy, and then DOH it turns out to be Tigerman again! Are you having an identity crisis? I think you should at least give us a few days to emotionally digest the “new you” before you switch it!
Although having said that, I’m on the lookout for a “new look” myself…the Matrix thing is a bit dull. Wish I could get my “Neo kicking ass” thing to work…
No identity crisis… I just want to keep you on your toes, so to speak…
I think it’s redicerous to be calling Tigerman “Tiggerman” ‘cause if he could trully bounce like the legendary tigger the walls would surely be comin’ a tumblin’ down.
Speaking of avatars and bouncing as we were, I once saw Tigerman’s original avatar on a trampoline in that great American classic comedy Run Away Bride. Tiger, what were the origins of that original Avatar - or is that a really stupid question to ask anyone from the States?
Do you know me?
My original avitar? I have a great memory… but its only good in the short term. What was my original avatar?
I imagine your memory is something of a steal trap.
That avatar was the one before the American Beauty designed by Blueface and the beer labels. It was a kind of red and blue thingy. Looked a bit like a sports logo.
It’s a Grateful Dead logo.
My mate who plays pretty good guitar in a couple of bands down here was wearing a T-shirt with that on the other night.
I imagine your memory is something of a steal trap.
That avatar was the one before the American Beauty designed by Blueface and the beer labels. It was a kind of red and blue thingy. Looked a bit like a sports logo.[/quote]
You’re talking about the Steal Your Face logo… that wasn’t designed by Blueface. That’s an old Grateful Dead logo, designed originally by the Dead’s roadies to mark their tools boxes so as to distinguish them from the tool boxes owned by the various venues where they played.
But that SYF logo wasn’t my first avatar… not by a long shot. I had numerous dancing bear avatars and a few tiger avatars, etc…
Surely you meant “steel” trap? In any event, really, my memory sucks. Just ask my wife…