What if I miss the registration day at CCU?

For the Chinese Culture University class that starts on 17th Sept, you are supposed to register on 31 August. Do I have to get to Taipei 17 days early to do nothing but register for class? (I already have a place to live in Taipei, and a job in Australia I’d like to stay at as long as possible). What if I miss the registration? Any experience?

Before I answer… are you a TWnese citizen too? or are you a pure-bred aussie?

I’m an Australian citizen.

Then unfortunately I don’t have first hand experience in this matter since I also have TWnese citizenship so I only had to show them the money and I was in.

Though you will probably need to arrive at the earlier date specified to apply for an ARC and go through all process of health checks, proof of finance etc…

Those things are generally done before classes start.

However if you get your act together and obtain all the proper documents, I’m pretty sure you can register up to the week before classes start as they aren’t very strict on deadlines. Just wave the cash in front of them and you’re good to go.

Thanks for your reply. Its good to hear that it was uncomplicated in your experience. I have already got an admission letter and so on, also a scholarship for 3 months, I guess the registration is just to get the fees and test for my level so that I can be assigned a class. But 17 days? I’d love to have a holiday in TW but sadly I don’t have lots of $$ or time.
BTW its sooo cold here in Melbourne today, 9 degrees at 4pm.