What is free speech?

Tigerman, I remember one time a poster by the name of drum major, who has since been banned, called ImaniOU a “nig.” He didn’t use the whole word, just those 3 letters but we all knew what he meant. I also remember that your response at the time, which I totally agreed with, was to request that he be banned for calling her that. (I called for him to issue an apology but not be banned).

So, how can you defend your above statement that you wrote while at the same time calling for someone to be banned when they used a racial slur against another poster? Don’t you think this is a contradiction on your part?[/quote]

No contradictions.

I favor free speech rights limited by the restrictions of Time, Place and Manner.

This site is not the “place” for such speech. If that asshole wants to call anyone a “nig” in his own house or out on the street, that is his right, IMO. If he wants to do so in a school or other place, he can and should be restricted from doing so.

If he wants to shout the “nig” word outside my window at 01:00 I would call for a restriction per Time and probably Manner". Shouting is not, IMO, an appropriate manner of expression at 01:00. If he wants to wear a shirt that says “I hate Nigs”… that is his right, subject to reasonable Time, Place and Manner restrictions.