What is it that makes them flip?

[quote=“stragbasher”][quote]Fred Smith, I’ve read your posts and I think you talk bollocks.
You are clearly an idiot. [/quote]

My gf thinks it’s cool that someone else says ‘bollocks’.[/quote]

Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks

[quote=“Dangermouse”]My girlfriend also rides a scooter/bike. When someone cuts her up, gets too close, pulls out infront of her or whatever…she shouts, swears - the lot. She has never had a run in with anyone. She is Taiwanese.

I think I dated her once. Once. She started screaming at someone in a merging situation and that was the last time I called her. Yes, there are hotheads here. Big surprise. Here’s some math:

1 Hothead + 1 Hothead = Carnage
1 Hothead = 1 Levelhead = Some time wasted, but no blood
1 Levelhead + 1 Levelhead = Peace

Which one are you?

Seriously DM, I am starting to enjoy having you around here. Don’t let pride get you shived. So what if you admit to “being wrong” if you aren’t. Damn, what’s the big deal? Take out your stress on us, that’s what we are hear (sic) for.

Now I am sorry, but our time is up.


Darn tootin’! :astonished: [url=Did a kid get beaten to death recently? - #12 by maoman this[/url] for an example of respect for the elderly. :s

[quote=“Toe Save”]Here’s some math:

1 Hothead + 1 Hothead = Carnage
1 Hothead = 1 Levelhead = Some time wasted, but no blood
1 Levelhead + 1 Levelhead = Peace

Which one are you?[/quote]
Sticking up for oneself does not automatically make one a hothead. I don’t kowtow, and I don’t rant. I’m as cool as a cucumber. :sunglasses:

get down to the pool for goodness sake- the last two times, you never made it…probably on here posting your life away :wink:

[quote=“Maoman”][quote=“Toe Save”]Here’s some math:

1 Hothead + 1 Hothead = Carnage
1 Hothead = 1 Levelhead = Some time wasted, but no blood
1 Levelhead + 1 Levelhead = Peace

Which one are you?[/quote]
Sticking up for oneself does not automatically make one a hothead. I don’t kowtow, and I don’t rant. I’m as cool as a cucumber. :sunglasses:[/quote]

I don’t believe I’ve advocated cowardice. I read your thread and have to say that I would have reacted the same way you did. I don’t have all that fancy kick-ey, throw-ey training either. But as I said, being the only cool one in a situation results in some wasted time, but no blood. If a guy is gonna still wanna go me after I give him a few off the cuff piesays, then he is gonna find his weapon the next time he shits, which will be on the mainland cuz I’m gonna hit him so hard PRC radar will pick him up out over the strait.

OOOOO…that male-posturing feels good…

But he probably won’t cuz I’ve completely won all the face available that afternoon by piesaying him. Everyone around will agree:

‘this bignose is really trying to acclimatize to our very difficult culture…surely this is now resolved and any further action would be that of a monkeybrain.’

But, as I postured, if he insists, I’ll oblige him.


[quote=“acearle”][quote=“hoedad”]I suggest that those postings to this thread defending unnecessary violence (and I stress unnecessary; sometimes violence is necessary) that the posters have committed against someone who has offended them or even threatened them, are made by a bunch of macho idiots that have watched way too much crappy television.

What are you out to prove? That you can ‘kick someone’s ass’? Big fucking deal. I’m so unimpressed, superman. Soon, you’ll be old, if you live that long, then anybody will be able to kick your ass, and you will be smiling and saying ‘pai sei’.[/quote]

You might get some background information before calling people “macho idiots.”[/quote]

Why? I think people that will get physically violent because somebody cuts them off in traffic are macho idiots, at least they are in that moment (I’ve been one myself). I don’t really care what their background is, what kind of trauma they may have experienced in the past to lead to this sort of pointless behavior, or whether they’ve had a bad day. It’s just unnecessary violence, and the world has way, way too much of it.

The whole thread about ‘teaching them a lesson’ or somehow ‘letting them know they can’t push foreigners around’ is more macho bullshit. Hey, I have an idea, why not get preemptive with your violence. That’s what real mean do.

Of course, if I’m attacked, I’ll have no choice but to get as violent as possible (I can’t run worth shit or that would be a better option). But that’s only if I’m attacked. I don’t have to get violent because somebody makes a face at me or almost runs me over.

Now, I do still yell obscenities at people quite often when they act like idiots, and I certainly don’t let people run all over me. Fortunately I’m rather large so that’s not much of an issue anyway, and it’s not the same as taking a weapon to somebody.

This thread isn’t about that.

The reason I originally posted this thread is because (admittedly) I am like this. It just happened that I didn’t yell anything this time.

[quote]Why? I think people that will get physically violent because somebody cuts them off in traffic are macho idiots, at least they are in that moment (I’ve been one myself).

It’s a bit far to say that people are being macho when they have nearly been wiped off the face of the earth for the umpteenth time that day.
Angry, yes. Macho, no.

Weightlifters are macho. Bruce Willis is macho. Everyday drivers - Angry and pissed off with a short fuse.

Toe Save scribbled:

It’s lovely to be around :slight_smile:

OK, semantics. We all get angry, but anger doesn’t have to lead to physical violence. And most of the time, though not always, it is a healthy, young man who allows anger to lead to violence.

I have a very short temper. I get angry really easily. It’s one of my big problems, as it is with many people. I used ‘macho’ because, let’s face it, everybody, young, old, male, female, everybody gets angry. But it is primarily young/middle-aged adult men who get violent. Why? I think there are lots of reasons. Socialization, hormones, and opportunity being the main ones. I’m sure there are a lot of women and old people who would like to kick some ass when they get angry, but don’t even consider it because they know they’d get hurt really badly.

My point is, and I’m not referring to you personally here because to be honest I don’t remember your past comments, but my point is that I think young men justify the use of violence simply because they can. They have the option of resorting to violence as a way to vent their anger.

When we see an angry 25-year-old glare and threaten violence we fear for our safety. When a 95-year-old man does it we thinks it’s funny or we pity him.

Hoedad, I find it difficult to disagree with you.

[quote=“hoedad”] I think people that will get physically violent because somebody cuts them off in traffic are macho idiots, at least they are in that moment (I’ve been one myself).
Fortunately I’m rather large so that’s not much of an issue anyway, and it’s not the same as taking a weapon to somebody.
I have a very short temper. I get angry really easily. …

Are you saying you’re a fat angry occasionally violent macho idiot?

Oh, and I liked you so much… :astonished:

[quote=“Notsu”][quote=“hoedad”] I think people that will get physically violent because somebody cuts them off in traffic are macho idiots, at least they are in that moment (I’ve been one myself).
Fortunately I’m rather large so that’s not much of an issue anyway, and it’s not the same as taking a weapon to somebody.
I have a very short temper. I get angry really easily. …

Are you saying you’re a fat angry occasionally violent macho idiot?

Oh, and I liked you so much… :astonished:[/quote]

Yes and no. I am fat and I do get angry often. But I’m not violent. I’m actually a real pussy. Last time I got violent I got my ass kicked by my older brother. He saved my life many times over by kicking my ass.

Oh, idiot, on that, yes. No doubt. Macho… I’d like to think not but, well, I’m born and raised on white bread and John Wayne, so it’s a hard socialization to get over. But I

I’m glad you’re at least friendly, though I don’t really approve fighting with angry old ladies in lines.

I think I’ll still stay with my husband, but I won’t stop reading your posts. I now and then take the trouble to find all of them, just to know if there’s anything new…

All the best,

Notsu (who just has to eat black bread every day; and instead of watching JW movies, once learned a poem about wonderfulness of Father Lenin to say it to the soviet equivalent of Santa Claus)

[quote=“Notsu”]I’m glad you’re at least friendly, though I don’t really approve fighting with angry old ladies in lines.

Hey, I don’t fight with angry old ladies! I just don’t let them invade my space. I was an old lady myself in a past life. I know how they think. I act just like them when it’s appropriate, no more, no less. I have a lot of respect for them.

But this leads to the question, why are old ladies generally more aggressive than old men, and women of any age generally more aggressive on scooters than men?

My theory is that because women are so repressed their whole lives not only culturally but by less physical strength, that 1) the scooter is the great equalizer (like the ‘six shooter’ in the ‘Old West’), 2) when women get old, they don’t have to maintain that ‘sweet young subservient’ bullshit any longer, i.e., whereas old men, well, to be honest I haven’t figured out old men yet. I think maybe they just become resigned.

I hope I

I found one possible explanation for the question why old women are more aggressive than young women and young men more aggressive than old ones. Could it be the level of testosterone in their body?

But that doesn’t explain why old women are more aggressive than old men…

About your repression-theories - I wouldn’t know, I’m the 3rd generation men-repressor. But I really am very peaceful in public places, it is amazing how people react (especially in my country) when I reply to their attacks with a friendly smile. I have no idea whether my peaceful mind becomes from regularly beating my husband or is it just self-defense as I there’s no way for me to scare them with my harmless-rabbit-looks.