What is "the flob"?

The Flob is a state of mind.


A liquid state mostly.

Forumosa: Loud & Obnoxious Bastards


The way you explained it is how I remember it - it was an insider’s name for the forums coined by TomHill, originally as a perjorative, I think, until we all embraced it. The flob.me URL was available and helped shorten topic URLs in phpBB were unwieldy.


Come to the Flob!
There is cake!

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When you see it, you will know grasshopper. You just haven’t seen it yet.

Okay I’ve got NFI what the flob is, I even read the thread too.

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The oldest record I could find of the term was this:


I think it’s short for floppy old bastards. :sweat_smile:

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We weren’t old then like we are now.


The flob is Forumosa pronounced after a HH night.

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What’s HH? :face_with_monocle:

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I’m guessing an expat watering hole in Taipei

I had assumed Happy Hour, but I suppose it could be a reference to a (long-gone?) bar, or perhaps to the ex-user @headhonchoII.

Boy, that guy was a stellar poster! Whatever happened to him? (Sorry @TaipAmy, another dumb insidery joke - head honcho is now @Brianjones. Or at least I hope I’m not getting that wrong.)

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A legend whispered about in the cloistered halls
a mist over the gloomy mountains

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One of the 12. :shushing_face:

Wasn’t there a thread about 20 years ago titled “Flob Me!”?

I’m remembering something about @jimipresley

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Also found a historic post that explains it the term. But its in the Kingdom of Mod.

@jimipresley you might be referring to that

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Earliest known non flob.com reference.