What is the law on walking your dog on a leash?

Unfortunately, some are…


I guess that’s pretty much set in scene!

All kids before 4 should be leashed in public for extra safety.

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I guess you don’t have children… One should NEVER put kids on leash.

But I guess that’s not the place for such discussion, as this is the “Pets & Other Animals” forum. Or do you place children on “other animals” category as well?

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Oh yeah you should, but not literally.

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It is just that I have seen so many just break off and burst into traffic or water or any other dangreous situations that I really do not trust that just holding their hand would be enough in order to keep them safe. Especially here. Even in high school it seems that the self preservation chip has not been activated.


I’m considering chaining mine down.

But sometimes …


Poor chums…

Even poorer chums…