What IS the regulation and requirements for JFRV

I have an over seas Taiwan Passport and looking into getting my husband his ID in the future. I heard that he will need to give up his Nationality and live in Taiwan for x amount of years in order to get his Taiwan ID. I"ve been researching but I cant seem to find the correct answers as to how and what are the correct procedures to apply for a JFRV for him.

He can acquire residency base on your citizenship on what is called a Joining Family Residency Visa. The details about the requirements are posted elsewhere here, but the long and short of it is having your marriage license translated and notarized at your closest TECO office, as well as providing other substantiating documents to the National Immigration Agency here in Taiwan. Once he obtains this, he is allowed to reside and pursue employment freely, as long as the two of you remain married. He does not need to give up his nationality for this and does not need to unless he chooses to pursue citizenship here. Under the JFRV he will be an Alien Resident, allowed to live and reside here with pretty much every right, except the right to vote.

Will he need to live in Taiwan for an X amount of years ( or reside in Taiwan for amount of time) before I can apply for the JFRV for him? I thought he didn’t but I’m hearing different things from different people. From what I read in the forums these people are already in Taiwan for teaching or been in Taiwan for a while already. We are not yet if anything I will be in Taiwan first to get thing settled.

No. If you are worried about it, drop the National Immigration Agency an email. They are very helpful with these matters.