What is your hidden bias?

check this site out and try a hidden bias test. very strange

Well, imagine my surprise, especially since my slagging of the Beastie Men and those Depends-wearing Stones, that I apparently have “a slight automatic preference for old.”

An interesting little bit of fun that should appeal to those who enjoy Cosmo quizzes.
I’m off back there to find out how homophobic I am … 5 minutes later and my self-image is shattered when I discover that I have a slight automatic preference for gay people. Time to dust off my Village People albums.

I went to that site, but it had a white background, so I beat it with a baseball bat, did I pass the test ?

I found I have a preference for gays myself!
And thin people.

It also seems I have biased views that men are into science and women in liberal arts.

think i’ll take the ‘old’ one now.

Ha, that’s a lot of fun! I tried my hardest to demonstrate a lack of bias and thought I’d done pretty well, but it turns out that I harbour a strong automatic preference for straight people. Oh well, I’ll go on trying to do the right thing in my conscious behaviour and attitude toward gay people, and work hard at overcoming the subconscious bias that must have been conditioned into me very deeply indeed.

Thanks for the link, Fredericka, and I’ll be back there to try some more when I have time.

I have a moderate preference for darker skin.
But a strong preference for youth.

It’s not like a Cosmo quiz, Sandman, it’s very psychological.

Och, lassie, I just put that in as bait. :wink: I haven’t seen a Cosmo quiz for more than 15 years.

Nice to get the confirmation that I have no hidden bias in regards to age. :slight_smile: And I realized early enough that I seem to have a bias in regards to male/science and female/liberal arts (probably because I’m the best example) even though I know that there are very capable female scientists and wonderful male artists.

I find it pretty exhausting, though.


So you do admit to seeing one ?

Mine came out mostly C’s, which makes me a foxy lady who’s always up for it. And people say they’re a waste of time…

So you do admit to seeing one ?

I have four wee sisters so yeah, given that for a while, their Cosmo’s were one of the few places I could sometimes get a glimpse of a woman’s nipple, I’m pretty well up on “pleasing your man,” “how well do you know your clitoris?” and all that good stuff.

I really don’t understand these tests. I did the one for Native Americans and discovere that I have a slight association of white people with America. I only made one mistake. In the gay/straight test I only made two mistakes and got that I have a strong automatic preference for straight people. Weird. Whoever made these tests must be a bunch of fags.


I think they also take into account your answers on that first page and how long it takes to hit the e or i key.

I have a hidden bias against Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center.


the tests are based on ideas about dissonance I think. It’s not how many mistakes you make, it’s the relative trouble you have with different sections of the test. There a set of well known tests where you flash people screens of single colours (red, pink, yellow, blue) on which are superimposed the names of different colours (blue, yellow, pink, red). Subjects are told to say the name of the background colour. It gets very hard once you lose your initial concentration. But it’s easy to say the word and ignore the background.
The conclusion is that involuntary word recognition supercedes colour recognition. Don’t know why we’d want to know that, but there you are.

In these tests, you’re being encouraged to group 2 qualities together: e.g Gay + Bad or Straight + Bad.
They find out how long you take to respond on the single category test (Gay/Straight/Good/Bad) then look at how much harder/easier you find it when Gay is associated with Good versus Straight with Good.
If you stumble and take longer over one of those pairings, it suggests the connection is not coming as easily to you.

I have a problem with the ageing one. The others are quite straightforward. Your sexual orientation and ethnicity don’t tend to change through life. But your age does. So a strong preference for young (as I apparently have) could mean I prefer young people or it could mean I prefer being young.

[quote]If you stumble and take longer over one of those pairings, it suggests the connection is not coming as easily to you.

Well that makes sense, but suggests that the test is flawed. First they have you choose left for sraight or good, ad right for gay or bad. So I condition myself straight-good, gay-bad, staight-good, gay-bad. So of course when they change it, I have a harder time categorising straight-bad, gay-good, because I have to overcome the ocnditioning i’ve just done on myself for the first part of the test. No wonder.


Right, so it’s a geriatric poofter wot did it after all.

[quote=“Sir Donald Bradman”]I really don’t understand these tests. I did the one for Native Americans and discovere that I have a slight association of white people with America. I only made one mistake. In the gay/straight test I only made two mistakes and got that I have a strong automatic preference for straight people. Weird. Whoever made these tests must be a bunch of fags.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They said the results take into account which order the sections were given.

I fooled it well and truly this time. It told me I have a slight automatic preference for thin people. Absolute hogwash! I have an overwhelmingly strong preference for thin people, and freely confess to it. My mum was thin, I’ve never allowed myself to be anything other than thin, and every girlfriend I’ve ever had has been thin – thinness attracts me more than any other physical feature, and I wouldn’t look twice at a girl who was even a couple of kilograms overweight. That is not merely a “slight automatic preference” – much more like a fixation, I’d say. So their tests are clearly not accurate at all.


Maybe that’s your ‘hidden’ bias then, you may be protesting too much to ‘two’ kilograms. A little meat on one’s bones keeps one alive a lot longer when the cancer/aids/other maladies start to gobble away at the flesh.
And Karen Carpenter never reached her peak either, they say.

But I was a little surprised to find that I associate strongly with the young. The young are stupid, even if they do look better.