What movies are you watching? (2021)

Saw it for Henry Cavill, who unfortunately was always fully dressed in it.

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I watched Greta Gerwig’s 2019 Little Women last night, on Taiwan Netflix. Loved it. Acting powerhouse - I do like Emma Watson, and she is totally fine in this, but not in the same league as Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh (this the same year as Midsommar! She’s amazing!), Laura Dern, Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper, Timothée Chalamet … all very, very well done. And gorgeous. When I watched Ladybird, I didn’t understand the fuss over that film, but this one is fantastic. Now I finally sort of know the story of a novel I’ve never read. I haven’t yet seen the 1994 version so I don’t know how it compares, but Gerwig’s version does a fantastic job of avoiding the … dull worthiness? … that period pieces so often display.

Unfortunately, it leaves Taiwan Netflix in a few hours.

Plus, spoiler about the style of the ending, it’s got what may be the best Inception / “Lady or the Tiger?” style ending I’ve ever seen.

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Love Greta Gerwig

Who is a band with 25 albums and over 300 songs that you possibly never heard of?

The Sparks Brothers

Amazing movie facinating story.

They also wrote screenplay and music for new movie “Annette” with Adam Driver/Marion Cotillard movie that was the opening movie Cannes Film Festival this year.

Uh…the band is Sparks, not “The Sparks Brothers.” Just because you’ve never heard of them… :roll_eyes:

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Spoiler alert. You are spoiling the movie. It’s the name of the movie.

Getting the band’s name right is hardly giving away any important plot details…

Shit, wrong thread…

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Read half the book, watched the movie, finished the book.

Really nicely done.

I liked it, but didn’t love it. I thought the middle sagged a bit. But awesome climax. If only it really went down that way.

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Book? Book :hushed: Book :ok_hand:

Yeah I enjoyed it more than most Tarantino films. I’m a general fan of his talent but my opinion on his films range from ok to great usually. This was very entertaining all the way through for me.

Spontaneous- spoiler alert
It seems like normal YA movie about suburban teens undergoing the stress of senior year- exams, applying for colleges, proms, adolescent romance.

Then, the senior class students start blowing up. Literally, in a shower of blood and guts. Totally at random, no pattern, no reason. Nobody can figure out why, or who will be blown up next. Then the government steps into find a cure; meanwhile the students try to live their lives.
Sounds like a parable for you-know-what, but it’s from a book written in 2016; the movie was made in 2019, and the release delayed by covid- but completed before (and unchanged).

Sounds like a parable for you-know-what,

There’s a whole warehouse of typewriter monkeys in Hollywood coming up with spins on either zombies or pandemic viruses.

There’s one on netflix about people all of a sudden not being able to sleep, which of course doesn’t just make them die from sleep deprivation, they go insane and start murdering everyone. :joy: Sounds exhausting.

The book was very interesting, from a what’s Hollywood really like perspective.

Ace in the Hole (1951) - Not as great as other Billy Wilder classics I’ve seen but it was pretty good nonetheless. Kirk Douglas was incredible (and very hot). In some ways it reminded me of There Will Be Blood (though it should be the other way around as Ace in the Hole is obviously half a century older) in that both leads’ sadistic ambition ended up being their ultimate demise.

Rififi (1955) - Stylish and poignant heist. It was pretty much perfection from beginning to end. That heist sequence is in particular some of the cleverest and most exhilarating 30 minutes of all time. A spiritual predecessor to another French heist masterpiece Le Cercle Rouge. Modern heist movies like the Ocean’s series should just bury themselves under dirt.

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I’ve never understood why Kirk Douglas was so popular but long time ago so ok.

Added to my watch list.

Thanks fur that suggestion. Never heard of it.

Looks good.

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He wasn’t the pretty boy type but he had a gritty quality and a ton of charisma which I find very swoony.