A #1 hit from the 80s all but forgotten. It’s about cocaine. From a wannabe Madonna. Still, an amazing song that emotionally connects, despite the 80s production and all that. It’s like “Golden Brown” actually feels like heroin - this song feels as cocaine as a Duran Duran album. Si o no?
recently i felt like going back to 90s
I don’t know how to do this and make it show up (it worked, just required a space button)
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Arkies/Okies immigrating to California. We did that. I have family down there, We were all Americans.
Sorry very very white and very aware of our history. I knew as a white kid I was very privileged.
Not bad
Melodies are totally different though.
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I like the last 2. Not unlike the real album
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Stumbling upon a song and hearing it think it’s from the '60s and then it’s this you know somewhat well-known band
Close…it’s from 1970.
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