What Song is This?


The first two guesses are each correct(ish - in idea if not in form) for different halves of the title.


:male_detective::mag_right::three: The song was used in a (bad) movie of the same title.

:four: … and several other movies/shows/commercials as well.

The Astro zombies (Movie)
Astro Zombies- Misfits ( song) ?

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No zombies in the answer.

A zombie apocalypse without zombies?!

The zombies are elsewhere. We care about the survivor of the zombie apocalypse - no zombies because he killed them all? Or, he secreted himself in a safehouse? Or, he’s really good at running? :person_shrugging:

Sorry, had to do it…

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This person has already survived in my imagined scenario to create the paraphrase.

:mag_right: It was 47 years between when the song was released and when the film of the same name came out.

This song first appeared on one of the top-50 all-time best-selling albums.

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Two (possibly thirsty) companions, en route.

Actually, this might be more accurate:

Route taken by two (posssibly thirsty) companions.