What Song is This?


C’mon now, “Johnny” is hardly a name fit for a Goddess. :wink:

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Nope. This is a pretty well known pop song. From the artist’s 1993 debut album.

Should’ve known it was Spork…


:trophy: Voila!


Next up: quiet explosion

The band name though…

Nice, but no. My song is much older.

New hint: the song I’m looking for is from the 1950s.


Not the version I was thinking of, but good enough. :trophy:

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I actually linked that one first, but then for some reason I saw something that said (obviously wrongly) that it was from the 80s so I looked for one from the 50s and found the other. :person_shrugging:


[Personal pronoun] particularly personify the present-day permanent peacetime paygrade pinnacle

Well shoot, I thought this might be an easy one. :thinking:

The song is referred to by different names, though the name I paraphrased is the real title from what I can tell (as well as being a repeated line in the song).


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I don’t remember all the songs in this game, but I’m fairly certain this one is the oldest.

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:no_good_man: Heading in the right direction for source.