What Song is This?

The song I’m looking for is a misspelled fruit…not a wine that has a vaguely similar spelling to a fruit. :sweat_smile:

Nice, but it’s a misspelled kind of fruit.

Like Lyme by Moguai?

No, but you’re on the right track!

Could that be an acronym?

What the… :open_mouth:


Grasping at straws here…

Actually a very good guess, but not there yet.

I might as well go for broke…

A pawpaw is a fruit, right?

Papa is potato… :sweat_smile:

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Very creative, but the Fogerty guess was your closest by far.

Strawberita by Remo Drive?

Sounds delicious, but no.

What froot is that? :sweat_smile:

Maybe more an opposite than misspelled, true.

Apparently, honeydon’t is a fruit too.


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