What the Hell's it called?

I’ve got some .asp pages, but I want visitors to the web site only to see the url for the main page.

I used to know, but it’s been a while since I’ve done any web programming, so I can’t remember what it’s called never mind how to do it.

I’m very rusty and was never very good when I wasn’t. But I think you want to modify the .htaccess in some way.


Might be the right start. Or maybe you just want to to rename the file to index.asp

I’m going to have a look at that link, miltown. What I want is for users to see only main.asp in the address bar no matter what page they are actually viewing.

have u enabled and configured asp in apache?

Wait a second, i just realized that if you’re using ASP, than you’re probably on a Microsoft server right?

ASP is that .Net stuff aint it? (like I said, I’m rusty :P)

Could you use a little tiny frame at the top, too small to see. When you have a site with frames, it only shows the address of the main frame, or summit :idunno: Summit to do with frames I think :eh:

not necessarly. there is a module for apache.

not necessarly. there is a module for apache.[/quote]
Yeah, but I don’t think most people use it (that’s just a guess.) If they need that Microsfot stuff, they (should) stick with it.

i have no idea…

The first question would be why you want to do that. It irritates your users, stops them from bookmarking or linking to specific pages on your site, hurt search engine crawling (and therefore placement), and seems to have no advantages at all :s

If you are running on an Apache server you can use mod_rewrite to make the URL appear however you want.


[quote=“Dr_Zoidberg”]I’ve got some .asp pages, but I want visitors to the web site only to see the url for the main page.

I used to know, but it’s been a while since I’ve done any web programming, so I can’t remember what it’s called never mind how to do it.[/quote]

Are you talking about Parsing a URL?

Example VBScript (Googled):

Function ParseURL(strURL, strPart)

'descr: parses a portion of a url
'strURL: the URL to parse
'strPart: the part to get. Allowed values are:
’ protocol, server, domain, path, file, hash, query

Dim arrTemp
Dim strTemp
Dim nPos

On Error Resume Next

Select Case strPart
Case "protocol"
'return the protocol, eg. [](http://), ftp://
    nPos = InStr(strURL, ":") + 1
    Do Until (Mid(strURL, nPos, 1) <> "/") And (Mid(strURL, nPos, 1) <> "")
        nPos = nPos + 1
    ParseURL = Left(strURL, nPos - 1)
Case "server"
'return the server, eg. [www.microsoft.com](http://www.microsoft.com)
    strTemp = ParseURL(strURL, "protocol")
    strURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - Len(strTemp))
    If InStr(strURL, "/") Then
        strTemp = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "/") - 1)
    ElseIf InStr(strURL, "") Then
        strTemp = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "") - 1)
    End If
    If InStr(strTemp, "@") Then
    'remove user/password combo, return only the server
        ParseURL = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStr(strTemp, "@"))
        ParseURL = strTemp
    End If
Case "domain"

'return only the domain, eg. amazon.com, wa.gov, etc

    strTemp = ParseURL(strURL, "server")
    arrTemp = Split(strTemp, ".")
    ParseURL = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp) - 1) & "." & 

Case “path”
'return the path
If InStr(strURL, “#”) Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, “#”) - 1)
If InStr(strURL, “?”) Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, “?”) - 1)
If InStrRev(strURL, “/”) > InStrRev(strURL, “”) Then
ParseURL = Left(strURL, InStrRev(strURL, “/”))
ElseIf InStrRev(strURL, “”) > InStrRev(strURL, “/”) Then
ParseURL = Left(strURL, InStrRev(strURL, “”))
End If
Case “file”
'return the filename only
If InStr(strURL, “#”) Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, “#”) - 1)
If InStr(strURL, “?”) Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, “?”) - 1)
If InStrRev(strURL, “/”) > InStrRev(strURL, “”) Then
ParseURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, “/”))
ElseIf InStrRev(strURL, “”) > InStrRev(strURL, “/”) Then
ParseURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, “”))
End If
Case “hash”
'return the bookmark (hash) without the hash mark
If InStr(strURL, “#”) Then
arrTemp = Split(strURL, “#”)
strTemp = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
If InStr(strTemp, “?”) Then
ParseURL = Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, “?”) - 1)
ParseURL = strTemp
End If
ParseURL = “”
End If
Case “query”
'return the query string without the question mark
If InStr(strURL, “?”) Then
arrTemp = Split(strURL, “?”)
strTemp = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
If InStr(strTemp, “#”) Then
ParseURL = Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, “#”) - 1)
ParseURL = strTemp
End If
ParseURL = “”
End If
End Select

If Err.Number <> 0 Then ParseURL = ""

End Function

Yet another Google: aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2401

mod_Rewrite dealio for Microsoft:

