What to do with that?

I am wondering what can I cook with this? My brother in law, dropped it at home, say it is organic. Is that a pumpkin?
Any ideas what to cook?

It’s definitely a pumpkinesque thingie. Perfect for soup.
Peel, de-seed. Chop up and boil with peeled potatoes (2-1 ratio). Once cooked, mash away at the stuff with a fork if you want it hearty, or liquidize if you want it smooth. If too much water, drain some. Add a large knob of butter, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a dash of turmeric, a little cumin, LOADS of crushed garlic, salt and pepper. Simmer for an hour or so. Finally, add a large cup of fresh cream and serve with crusty, fresh bread. :lick:

No idea what it’s called, but it tastes something like butternut squash and can be cooked in the same way. The Taiwanese way seems to be to steam it with ginger and a sweet, potato-starch-thickened sauce but I’m not keen on that. Try this: chop into large pieces, remove seeds and roast until soft and slightly caramelised. You can then eat it as-is, or, while it’s roasting, fry some sweet potatoes with onion, garlic and chili peppers, add chicken or vegetable stock to cover, and simmer until done. Then blend the cooked pumpkin thingy with the sweet potato mix for a pretty good soup. Add salt/pepper and coriander if you like it.

If all of the knives in your house are incredibly dull like they are in mine, you can steam that sucker first- I just popped mine in my rice cooker with some water at the bottom, worked like a charm. Then I cut it up, took out the rind/seeds, and sauteed it up with shrimp. I don’t know a damn thing about cooking but that was good :wink:

As has been alluded to, but not stated outright, it’s a pumpkin.

Any pumpkin or other squash recipe should do ya, especially pumpkin or acorn squash recipes, e.g. chop up, deseed, slather in butter and brown sugar, and bake, spooning more of the sauce atop it now and then.

If the top of it opens by itself, do not, I repeat DO NOT, lean over it to see what’s inside.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:[/quote]
Why are you laughing? SOme people DIG the eyebrowless look!

That makes a very nice soup. Cream of whatever it is.

Oops, I see Jimi has mentioned that! Oh well, great minds think alike.

If that were sitting on my counter this weekend, I would probably make Gnocchi di Zucca alla Versiliese with it.

Make sure you take the necessary precautions, wardrobe-wise

Some people, my wife, think that this thing makes a very good ‘jo’ (or congee to the rest of the world)

I like it in soup, or chopped up, after steaming, and fried with bacon…although everything goes better with bacon.