What to expect w/ a rescue?

We’ve just ‘adopted’ a ~1 yr old dog that had been abandoned & poorly treated. Along with issues to be expected under the circumstances - undue fear of people & loud noises, ravenous eating - we’re also a bit surprised at how quiet the dog is. She never barks … we may have heard a playful growl once directed toward another dog … but even that was open to debate.

Is it possible the previous ‘owner’ had her vocal cords cut, but wouldn’t put out for a spay?? Or is her reticent possibly just a result of trauma during her first year of life - something she is likely to get over/recover from over time? From what we understand this breed (beagle/mix) should be somewhat vocal …

Interested to hear from those with similar experience ‘rescuing’ young dogs.

[quote=“Opihiman”]we’re also a bit surprised at how quiet the dog is. She never barks …
Is it possible the previous ‘owner’ had her vocal cords cut, but wouldn’t put out for a spay?? [/quote]

Yes, very possible. AnimalsTaiwan picked up a cocker spaniel like that once. Silenced but not neutered.

Great that you have adopted her!

Just a snippet of advice: in my experience, if you want this dog to develop rapidly and become a settled, balanced being, forget about her past and treat like you would any other dog; often we unwittingly encourage such negative behaviour by making allownaces because of the dog’s sad past. What abused or neglected dogs need are calm and assertive leaders, to lead them through their fears and unwanted behaviours.

Not sure if this advice is unwanted, but seeing as you just got her, I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes that I used to make. Our dogs become settled, balanced, and happy of we don’t reward the unwanted behaviours. :wink:

Ok, we discovered last night that she does indeed bark. Guess she only speaks when she really has something to say! What a great personality …