Whatever happened to purse dogs?

And when they bark it makes me laugh. Big eyes that pop out of their socket if you squeeze the dog a bit and a bark that sounds like a squeaky toy.

Yeah, thatā€™s not good care. Iā€™ve seen some horribly obese dogs. But not every person who puts their dog in a purse isnā€™t taking good care of it.


edit: the 3mb limit is absolutely insane.

If nothing else, theyā€™re extremely well groomed.


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I have to say I think those dog strollers are pretty over the top. Dog in a bag or carrier is one thing, but the stroller seems excessive.

Iā€™m happy for pampered dogs. But in the end I prefer my big dirt dogs.

its not taking care of it though is it. dogs need to walk not be carried or pushed around. and i disagree they shouldnā€™t be thinking of it as any kind of baby that needs to be pampered. its an animal with certain needs. one of the main ones is going on regular walks. and i know some people use the pram as more of a transport, thats fine. but most of them are using them to baby it up. you can even play a fun game next time you see a pram, is it gonna be a baby or a dog??

anyway i donā€™t see how anyone can support this. there is a stray dog problem here and peoples lack of education towards taking care of dogs is a big reason why.

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Maybe these idiots got tired of cleaning dog shit out of their Louie Vuitton knock-offs? :man_shrugging:


The way Taiwanese people do dog ownership is just different from the way western people do it. I donā€™t necessarily agree with it either, but a lot of those dogs still have all their needs adequately met, and live long, happy, healthy lives. Thatā€™s really the most important thing.

They copied it from western people, specifically Paris Hilton.

Maybe a dog person can clarify but I thought I saw a big change in puppymill breeding laws in Taiwan. I also thought I saw the government regulate pet store sAles of dogs. I believe this is the main reason for the decline. Plus short lifespans of inbred dogs accompanied with bad living conditions. make the thing look.like its coming to an end .

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Walking by Tonghua Street the other night, you wouldnā€™t know it.

I was reminded of this thread yesterday as I watched like 20 prams and assorted pet carriers being pushed into a double decker tour bus. We were at the Taichung Flora Expo and I was really puzzled about seeing so many doggies around - in theory, no pets allowed on premises. Well, when we were waiting for our transportation, I witnessed a tour bus pull over and all of the women - yep- getting on board each pushing a stroller with one or two doggies inside, from all kinds of purse dogs up to Shiba inus.

I really think itā€™s not a proper purse dog unless itā€™s in a purse. And itā€™s not a proper dog if it fits in a purse.

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Well for long haul travel a purse becomes a pram. Carrying even a Chihuahua all day will be too much for certain people. Or when you are taking 2 poodles to Taichung.

Sounds like the title of an EM Forster short story, or a Patricia Highsmith novel. :face_with_monocle:

No idea. Here 2 faux foxes on a train:

They are animal children

Many people donā€™t want kids and the animals are a substitute

Holds down human overpopulation

They are made into purses!

Why? What is a ā€œproper dogā€?

Some people are big dog supremacists.

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