I have just checked the sterling/NT$ exchange rate and nearly had a heart attack - 62.5NT to the pound. When I came here it was 53, and had been as low as 42.
What is causing this depreciation, is this just a weak US dollar (to which I think the NT is pegged), or something happening back at home?
Sterling goes up and down like a hooer’s drawers. From 35 in 92 when Lamont pulled out of the ERM, up to near 60 in 99, down to 45 in 01 and up to its current dizzy heights.
NT’s not worth much now, and I don’t see any reason for it to appreciate.
Despite the predictions last week that the USD was going to go back up, it seems to have dropped some more. I forecast ongoing weakness based on SWAG modeling.
The USD peg actually works in Americans’ advantage here, since all you Euro/Ozzie/Kiwi types are going to want to bail.