What's the best place to sell computer RAMs?

I have RAMs that I bought and almost never used. I want to sell it. Where would be the best place to sell them? Preferably online.

What do you have?

These are what I bought.

Micron Crucial 美光 DDR5 4800 32G 桌上型記憶體(CT32G48C40U5) - PChome 線上購物

Micron Crucial 美光 DDR5 4800 32GB 桌上型記憶體 - PChome 線上購物

And in the RAM package it says “猶豫期(非試用期)拆封後如非新品故障將酌收整新費用” (which google translates says “During the hesitation period (non-trial period) after unpacking, if there is a non-new product failure, a new fee will be charged” but I can’t understand what "non-new product failure means)

But I guess this message is irrelevant now that I can’t return it.

Try ruten, yahoo bid and shoppee.

Don’t expect returns in Taiwan… unless the item is defective you won’t get returns. Best you can do is sell it on an auction site.