[quote]Do you offer FTP, PHP, Perl, MySQL, CGI, SSH, and Cron Jobs?
Yes, we do. 1&1 is famous for allowing customers vast configuration options so you can create the exact website and/or e-commerce facility you need and run your server in the best way for you. All of the above is even included in our 3 year free offer. [/quote]
Java applets and Javascript are just regular old files. Any web server in the world will support them just fine unless the host has explicitely filtered them out. They likely only do not support Java Servlets, which are server programs written in Jave that run on the web server.
Anyone know what they define as a “chat room”? Their agreement prohibits setting one up, but I’m not sure if they mean a forum like Forumosa or a “live interactive chat” of the sort that AOL is famous for.
BTW, jlick, that’s a really neat flightless bat that you have.
[quote=“MaPoDoFu”]Anyone know what they define as a “chat room”? Their agreement prohibits setting one up, but I’m not sure if they mean a forum like Forumosa or a “live interactive chat” of the sort that AOL is famous for.
BTW, jlick, that’s a really neat flightless bat that you have. [/quote]
They must mean interactive chat. My host prohibits this too, but I was able to set up phpBB.
Sounds like an excellent deal. 1&1 has a good reputation in Germany and other European Countries. Now that they’re entering the North American (end user) market, they’re probably thinking this free offer is cheaper than a traditional ad campaign to increase brand awareness.
Assuming you have net access at home, I’d FTP the files to your home PC, then FTP them to 1and1. Sure, it’s two stages, but I’m not aware of a way to have 1and1’s machine FTP them directly.
All of the Windows variants have a command-line FTP program available. Just bring up your “start” menu and click on the “Run…” thingie, then type “ftp” into the dialog box (no quotes).
If you don’t know how to use FTP, (1) remember to type “bin” (binary) first, so that files won’t get munged as they transfer. (2) type “prompt” before you do that to turn prompting off (it usually defaults to on – if it tells you you’ve just turned prompting on, type “prompt” again). (3) you can use “mget *” and “mput *” to move whole directories at a time. Beware of the Windows/UNIX case-sensitivity problem if moving between one of each – Windows (case-insensitive) will overwrite “xxx.jpg” with “XXX.JPG” if you have both files in your UNIX (case-sensitive) directory.
Feel free to PM me if you need more command help, but be aware that I am in the middle of moving again so my net access will be spotty for a couple of weeks.
Separately, does anyone know how to revive their 1and1 “free package”? I got one, but Yahoo deleted my email account (inactivity), and the mail from 1and1 giving my account and password got wiped. Is there a way to call them, or email, or what?
Thanks… I think we’ll keep it simple and do it the way you suggested. I just remember seeing something once about being able to transfer files from one domain to another, or something like that.
I just wanted to let you know that you can indeed transfer files between 2 ftp servers. The way to do this is by using a tool called FlashFXP. You can download the trial version of the software at download.com/. It allows you to connect to 2 different ftp servers at the same time and transfer files in between them so you skip the step of transferring to your own PC which depending on your bandwidth might really save a lot of time. It doesn’t use any bandwidth of your own, save the bandwidth required to initiate the transfers. Hope that helps!