Interesting Newsweek Quiz about what one “should” know. NYT also has an THE NEW YORK TIMES GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE that speaks to this.
How well did you do on the Newsweek quiz?
Interesting Newsweek Quiz about what one “should” know. NYT also has an THE NEW YORK TIMES GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE that speaks to this.
How well did you do on the Newsweek quiz?
sorry, I got bored and depressed after 23 questions. They should wait to tell you the results.
[quote=“jdsmith”]sorry, I got bored and depressed after 23 questions. [/quote]That’s further than I got, I lost the will to live after about 5.
What does knowledge have to do with IQ anyway ?
It’s just the title of the article. I’m slogging it through after having dinner and it’s painful. Sucking hard at 21% after 55 questions woo hoo! :s
Which of the Presidential candidates has appeared in most movies and TVs shows? This is international knowledge?
Did you know that the majority religion in Iraq is Sunni Islam? And that hydrogen fuel cells are an energy source, rather than a storage device?
I’m starting to wonder about Newsweek’s Global IQ.
I got tired after I finished 43 questions.
Does the questionnaire comprise 140 questions?
They probably have no knowledge about online survey design.
The Newsweek "How much Do You Know About America Global IQ Quiz "
Just finished the Sports section- Two questions about non-Americans.
All the music questions except one are about Americans, and that’s "Who had the first No.1 video on MTV? [when it was only available in the US]
[quote=“MikeN”]Which of the Presidential candidates has appeared in most movies and TVs shows? This is international knowledge?
Did you know that the majority religion in Iraq is Sunni Islam? And that hydrogen fuel cells are an energy source, rather than a storage device?
I’m starting to wonder about Newsweek’s Global IQ.[/quote]
yea, I was starting to wonder with all the detailed questions about the dozen or so prez candidates.
hydrogen fuel cells are kinda storage devices in the sense that batteries are storage devices. The energy must come from elsewhere, most likely a power plant.
OOOh! Internationale! In the entire Arts/Literature section there were actually 4 questions that weren’t about Americans!
Scored 48% - Your Global IQ is 50. That’s a lot better than it sounds.
That could’ve been Jeopardy.
Sheesh. THAT’s a global test?