What's your worst compulsion/addiction?

Which of the following is your worst compulsive habit/addiction (now, at this point in your life)?

  • coffee
  • alcohol
  • tobacco
  • marijuana
  • other illegal drugs
  • sex
  • shopping
  • exercise
  • work
  • other

0 voters

just curious.

Incidentally, I omitted forumosa/internet, because I figured too many people would select that option and I was curious about other compulsions/addictions.

I’m a slave to the bean.

Other… Nuff said!

Midget porn.

Does wanking count as a compulsive habit/addiction? I’m just asking for other people.

Damn, I forgot food in the poll and polls can’t be amended. :fume: I suspect that will make up a large portion of the others.

I was going to make that an option, but chose to include it in sex. :idunno:

wearing this


You’re a freak funk. Maybe you should check the other illegal drugs box.

No. No-one is addicted to cake. They are just greedy/enjoy eating pies more than being thin.

‘Other’. Such a pedestrian set of vices you have…

I also spend a lot of time pretending I’m Luther Vandross

[quote=“Buttercup”]No. No-one is addicted to cake. They are just greedy/enjoy eating pies more than being thin.

‘Other’. Such a pedestrian set of vices you have…[/quote]

Ok, ok, I’ll start a new poll. :blush:

forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 312#669312

Who doesn’t? Original sin only, Mr 500.

I quit smoking 18 months ago, stopped coffee for 6 months this year (which seems to have cured compulsive coffee drinking) am in a steady relationship and drink excessively once or twice a month. Sad to say but my vices are also becoming somewhat pedestrian. Ah well, old age rolls on.

On the plus side I no longer need to carry a pager, and the Police rarely stop me to search my personal effects these days. :laughing:

By far shopping the rest are great.

I checked other. I thought i was addicted to drugs but then discovered I was only addicted to rehab centers.

Lemonade. I got very lemon-y water when teaching my private and I love making lemonade back home. So I discovered that “li men ji” (my pinyin sucks, I know) isn’t literally lemon juice, but sweetened watered down lemon juice - aka lemonade. And I buy the uni-president mini-cartons daily, sometimes in two’s and three’s because they are much cheaper and just as good as the teashop stuff.

I used to be obsessed with Treetop Apple Juice from Costco. My fifth graders could tell if it would be a good day or a so-so day by whether or not I had a mug of apple juice in hand.

I am not voting because I don’t believe my addictions/compulsions are to be judged as something “worse”. I am proud of each and every one of my peccadillos. I wear them like a badge of honor. They make me the individual that I am.