When someone in your child's life suffers from depression

I have really been in a fix about posting this here but I would love some input from others, too. We live with my fatherinlaw and motherinlaw and they are lovely people. My fatherinlaw suffers from depression and he has been very “down” in recent months, more so than before. I have two children here and I am really starting to wonder how this living with grandpa will affect them and how I can protect them from negative influences whilst also letting them learn about the real world and the responsibilities of family.

Lately grandpa has started saying things to my three year old like “Grandpa is sick. You have to do something to make me happy. Make me laugh, do something to make me forget I am sad,” and giving him pressure to give grandpa a massage or say things like “YUM THIS FOOD IS GREAT I AM A HAPPY CHILD!” Very loudly, if it’s not loud enough my son has to repeat it. My son is not really one with a desire to impress people, he has a bit of an independent streak, so he is having a bit of trouble reacting in a way that satisifies grandpa. I think also because he is so young he doesn’t really understand.

Has anyone here either had young children in a situation where someone is suffering from depression, or been a child in a family with a loved one diagnosed as depressed and be comfortable sharing some experiences/reflections? And does anyone have good advice or resources that would help me 1. understand grandpa’s situation and 2. help my children get through the rough days unscathed/understand what grandpa is growing through without giving them extra grief?

Thanks in advance!

Would suggest you talk to a child psychologist about the situation. I am a physician n would like to help if I can, feel free to pm me if u see suit.

Thank you for replying to my post. I will follow up on your suggestion.