I am wondering if it is better to check the “compress this drive” box (using XP here) before the disc fills up or after? I’ve used 10 gigs and have 20 Gigs left on the drive. Most of the files are MP3s
Wouldnt do it myself. Will slow your computer down much more than the tiny bit of space you will save. MP3 files are already in a compressed format, you’ll just get a slower computer with mabye .1% more space. Easier solution, CD Burner.
Thanks! I am burning a CD even as I post this.
Go buy an IBM 80GB hard drive for $3,900.
You should never compress your drive. It’s inviting trouble.
Besides, as noted above, HDDs are downright cheap. Loosen up those purse strings!
OK Guys, another question but much in the same vane.
I am also running out of space, but cannot fit any more hard drives into my machine. All 8 IDE slots are taken up, and the six HDD’s are all 80 GB drives, other than compression what other options are there.
Sell them to me and get some bigger 120 or 160 hdd. creztor@hotmail.com if you wanna sell em.
Originally posted by NeillM: OK Guys, another question but much in the same vane. I am also running out of space, but cannot fit any more hard drives into my machine. All 8 IDE slots are taken up, and the six HDD's are all 80 GB drives, other than compression what other options are there.
since you are spedning that much on harddrives, you might want to consider a dvd-r/ram/rom drive and backup all your data. It’s a large capacity per disc abotu 4.7 gig. It’s about 20 dvd per harddrive.
what sort of price are 120 / 160 Gb HDD’s
Did not know that they had gone that big. Are there anyrestrictions in terms of OS that can utilise them.
If you can use an 80 gig you can use a 120 and higher.
I don’t recommend anything higher than 80GB right now because it is not mature yet. Price is high and performance is low.
You can buy an external IDE RAID box to add 8 more 80GB hard drives. Infortrend is the best local company in Taiwan.
Originally posted by NeillM: what sort of price are 120 / 160 Gb HDD'sDid not know that they had gone that big. Are there anyrestrictions in terms of OS that can utilise them.
All the new OS can handle partitions up to the limits of 32 bit system which is 2 terabyte. NTFS can theorically support 16 exabytes. linux currenntly suport 4 terabyte paritions. Even if you have a harddrive larger than the parition it can handle, your computer just needs to partition the harddrive to multiple drivees to utilize the whole harddrive. Unless you run some site that needs that much on hand storage, you won’t go near the OS limits for now. Plus it would be really expensive to reach the limits these days.
OK. I just came back from Guanghua Shangchang and bagged me a 40x12x48x CD Burner with Box enclosure (I have a laptop) for NT$5700. Another shop was going to charge NT$6200 for a slower burner 32x.
We’ll worry about a 60 gig / 80 gig hard drive later. For now, I will just delete MP3s after I’ve made CDs.
Now let’s see if I can figure out all this software and hardware!
Please note that CD-R discs have a speed rating. That means not all discs will write at the maximum speed that your drive will support. Discs that support faster speeds cost more. Currently, I am using various 24x CD-R discs for $8NT when purchased by the hundred.