Where are they now?

Some interesting stories appear here from time to time, but the endings are usually lacking.

Whatever happened to ‘honour’? Last I heard she was getting deported but was confident of coming back.

The guys in Jilong (was it?) caught with truckloads of cocaine?

The guy arrested in the park with the suitcase full of marijooanna?

My porn movie? (She backed out and is now embarassed to mention it.)

Any others?

Didn’t you have plans for that domain name or something similar? :slight_smile:

[url=http://tw.forumosa.com/t/news-story-taiwanese-us-custody-battle/27756/1 story[/url]

Last year there was a Taiwanese woman here with her daughter. The American dad came over to pick up his daughter with a court order from the US, but ended up leaving without the girl, promising to come back - what happened there?[/url]


MapoSquid was the guy, or MapoSquid happened?

Taipeimanwhores was a lovely idea and I couldn’t resist the $5 to buy it but I never had time to do anything with it. Now if the porn lass had got her act together then that would have been a great advertisment for the service and I’d be rich and famous by now. And knackered.

I think I know some girls interested in porn.
Perhaps we could work together and become rich and famous?
Or at least just rich.

and infamous