I’m specifically looking for a Les Paul case. Doesn’t have to be a Gibson case, just a decent hard one.
You see, my loverly Les Paul Studio is getting moldy in its soft case :s .
I’ve tried the toilet at Tony’s (for those that don’t know, there’s a stack of second hand guitar cases in the toilet at Tony’s, seriously), but they don’t have one that fits a Les Paul.
You went looking for a hard one in the toilet at Tony’s and couldn’t find one? You’re definitely losing your touch.
Weird, though – I could have sworn I’ve seen some in there just recently. In the meantime, go to Watson’s or someplace and throw a few of those silica packs in the soft case, the big kind women buy to put in their wardrobes. Or there’s another kind that comes in a cloth bag. It has a wee red picture on the front and when it turns blue, that means its “full,” so you bung it in the microwave for a certain time and its as good as new again.
And give the git a good clean and don’t stint the polish. That also helps.
Thanks, I was thinking of doing the silica thing in the hard case, but I’m worried that in a soft case, they might be pressed against the finish of the guitar. Are you sure this wouldn’t affect the finish?
Well, get yerself a couple of lint-free undyed cloths if you’re that worried and drape one on the front and one over the back so they’re not in direct contact. Although silica’s pretty inert stuff, isn’t it? Also, give the git a few days on a stand, while you give the inside of the case a good spraying of Lysol and leave it to dry thoroughly. Lysol is great mould-killer.
Of course the easiest thing of all is to just stop being such a lazy shit and give the thing an airing every week or so.
[quote=“sandman”]Well, get yerself a couple of lint-free undyed cloths if you’re that worried and drape one on the front and one over the back so they’re not in direct contact. Although silica’s pretty inert stuff, isn’t it? Also, give the git a few days on a stand, while you give the inside of the case a good spraying of Lysol and leave it to dry thoroughly. Lysol is great mould-killer.
Of course the easiest thing of all is to just stop being such a lazy shit and give the thing an airing every week or so.[/quote]
Yeah, well, it’s on the stand and getting used a fair bit more, as it happens, mister. I also have to watch out IrishSean doesn’t think it’s a toy and knock the thing over, which is another reason I’m going for the hard case. Also, he’s the sort of kid that would trip as he’s running towards it (while it’s in the soft case and leaning against a wall) and lean on it just at the neck joint to break his fall. And then there’d be a loud cracking sound, and well… much as I love the kid, I might be a bit pissed off with him. I’ve already had a head broken off my favourite guitar before and it was extremely upsetting.
So in summary, I am still looking for a hard case, but I will also be following your excellent anti-mould suggestions in the meantime.
It only takes a few days for the Lysol to completely dissipate. You’re surely not telling me you’re not allowed to tie up a toddler for just a week or two, are you?
It’s a world gone mad. MAD! I tell you.
In the meantime, I’ll be in Tony’s this Saturday probably and I’ll have a poke around for you – they tend to be a bit nicer to non-smelly people. If I DO happen to find one, d’you want me to snap it up provided its 1500 clams or less? Or you could just give me the guitar and save yourself all these headaches.
Seriously, I know a bloke who’s in the market for an LP. Don’t know if he’d want a studio or not but I could ask.
[quote=“sandman”]It only takes a few days for the Lysol to completely dissipate. You’re surely not telling me you’re not allowed to tie up a toddler for just a week or two, are you?
It’s a world gone mad. MAD! I tell you.
In the meantime, I’ll be in Tony’s this Saturday probably and I’ll have a poke around for you – they tend to be a bit nicer to non-smelly people. If I DO happen to find one, d’you want me to snap it up provided its 1500 clams or less? Or you could just give me the guitar and save yourself all these headaches.
Seriously, I know a bloke who’s in the market for an LP. Don’t know if he’d want a studio or not but I could ask.[/quote]
Hey, thanks very much. If you do happen to be at Tony’s, I’d definitely appreciate it if you could have a look for me and maybe give me a buzz if you find one. Do make sure thay actually put a Les Paul in it to test it though, would ye? They were trying to convince me to buy one, but even though they managed to fit a Les Paul into it, the contact point was the tip of the head, rather than the neck, if you know what I mean. Wouldn’t have been good at all.
Oh and as for selling the Les Paul, it’s kinda growing on me at the moment, and I pretty much know that if I sell it now (and you can guarantee the money will just disappear on crap stuff like baby food and nappies (like THEY’re important… sheesh)), I would probably regret it.
[quote=“sandman”]Well, get yerself a couple of lint-free undyed cloths if you’re that worried and drape one on the front and one over the back so they’re not in direct contact. Although silica’s pretty inert stuff, isn’t it? Also, give the git a few days on a stand, while you give the inside of the case a good spraying of Lysol and leave it to dry thoroughly. Lysol is great mould-killer.
Of course the easiest thing of all is to just stop being such a lazy shit and give the thing an airing every week or so.[/quote]
Or even remand temporary custody to some carefully selected punter who, while having only a tiny fraction of your ability, at least has the moral FIBRE to not SPIT in the face of PROVIDENCE by squandering his God-given talent and would actually PLAY the thing in front of audiences (frequently) consisting of more than a single TODDLER and who would probably PEE down both legs at the opportunity to even TOUCH the Godawfully LOVELY implement…
I mean, if you knew a bloke like that…
Be careful with Les Paul finish. They use nitrocellouse lacquer which unlike most other electric guitar factory finish, is sensitive to certain types of plastics. General practice is to wrap T shirts or something around stands or whatever the guitar may come in contact with. If you want to know what some plastics can do to a nitrocellouse finish… go here…
I thought Les Paul Studios comes in a hard case already? If not try those epiphone case… Its funny that LP studio dont have a hard case yet it costs more than an epiphone which does come with hard case…
[quote=“rahimiiii”]Be careful with Les Paul finish. They use nitrocellouse lacquer which unlike most other electric guitar factory finish, is sensitive to certain types of plastics. General practice is to wrap T shirts or something around stands or whatever the guitar may come in contact with. If you want to know what some plastics can do to a nitrocellouse finish… go here…
I thought Les Paul Studios comes in a hard case already? If not try those epiphone case… Its funny that LP studio dont have a hard case yet it costs more than an epiphone which does come with hard case…[/quote]
Well, I don’t think whether a guitar comes with a case or not should be an indicator of its value. But to answer your question, I bought it second hand, so no case.
Thanks for the link. I’ve had a finish badly affected by plastics before, which is why I’m very wary this time around.