Can anyone help? I’ve looked in a couple of smaller book stores/game places with no luck. … B00000IV34
Can anyone help? I’ve looked in a couple of smaller book stores/game places with no luck. … B00000IV34
Check the website
When I searched for “Set”, it showed up on the second page, at this link… … cts_id=819
… but at NTD530, and it doesn’t appear to be in stock. I haven’t yet tried ordering from that website, but it appears to be one of the better resources for getting games in Taiwan; I’m not sure what happens if something’s not in stock (i.e. if they place the order and you wait a couple of weeks, or months, or if you get a “meibanfa”).
A place called Witch House (女巫店), near Taida, sells a good selection of board games - I believe they’re somehow affiliated with that website. I’d say that’s your best bet for actually buying from a store. What they have or don’t have in stock isn’t the same as what the above website has available.
Chinese address: 台北市新生南路三段56巷7號
English address: No. 7, Lane 56, Xinsheng South Road, Sec. 3
And, um, I don’t know how to embed a Google Maps link. But it’s about 15 minutes walk from Gongguan MRT station: walk past the eslite, past the KFC, past the McDonald’s, past the Barista, then a few more blocks.
Is this the game?
The seller seems to have several physical stores, but shipping is only 50 NT.
witch house has it. I bought my Set set there.
Awesome. Thanks all. Witch House is just down the road from me. I’ll go pay them a visit this weekend. Or order online from one of the links above if they don’t have the game in stock.
While I’m at it, can anyone suggest any other good games in the same line - absorbing, fun, portable, good for a wide range of ages, don’t take too long to play, exercise the brain a little, and so on. Or failing that list any games that are just fun
A word of warning though - adults don’t seem to like this game very much. Whenever I tried playing it with my friends, they just got very frustrated and gave up quickly.
I think it’s one of the best card games ever though.
Nothing brings out my inner brat like Carcasonne does.