A couple of years ago, a friend introduced me to Xi Murong’s poetry.
I’ve looked for English translations, and have managed to dig up 10 poems in translation, but would love to get my hands on more. I’ve come across one title in print, but after trying Page One, Caves, and Eslite, haven’t managed to get my hands on it. Before I resort to an online bookstore, has anyone seen anything locally?
[quote]Xi Murong (Hsi Muren) (席慕容) 1943-
Born in Sichuan of Mongol parentage, moved to Hong Kong in 1949 and to Taiwan in 1955. She is a well-known artist in Taiwan. In 1981 she created a sensation especially among the young readers with the love poems in her first poetry collection Qili xiang [Seven-li scent]. Her other poetry collections include Wuyuan de qingchun [Blameless youth] (1983) and the recent Mitu shice [A booklet of poems gone astray] (2002).
Works available in English: Across the Darkness of the River (Chang Shu-li). Copenhagen/Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2001.[/quote]
[quote=“Xi Murong”]I know
All that is beautiful
Will never
Stay for
So I hang
My love and grief
On the wall
For show and
For sale.[/quote]