Where can I get hockey sticks and other gear?

Where can i get some hockey equipment in taipei? Remember those plastic fit on blades we used for street hockey? Can we get those here? and those wonderful orange plastic balls that stung like hell in the winter.

Plastic fit on blades? You mean for the sticks? Haven’t seen any of them.

The rest of the gear, you can get gear here:
Aiguo East Rd, #20, 1F, Taipei, Taiwan 105
CKS MRT Station, Exit 5. Cross the street, turn left, walk for 30 seconds


Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sun: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

If you’re looking for a pair of street hockey goalie pads, I’ve got a pair of feather-light Canadian Tire special, CCM road hockey pads for sale. Originally CDN$100 + tax + a hell of a lot of baggage space. Somewhat the worse for limited wear, yours for NT$1,000.