Where can you buy animal organs and fat?

I’m looking for the type of animal products most people don’t like, such as liver, kidney, brains, marrow, etc. I’m also wondering where it’s possible to buy pure fat. (Any animal is fine, but preferably beef or mutton.)

I’ve tried visiting several butchers and enlisting the help of a Taiwanese friend, but we didn’t make much progress. Carrefour sometimes carries pork liver. Other than that, I haven’t been able to find much. I’m fine with going outside Taipei if necessary. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Did you visit traditional markets? I think you find at least pork fat and organs there.

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Organs should be easy in local markets. If you are new to taiwan, you can spot them as normally being dark, wet, stink, dirtu and normally “scary” to most westerners who arent used to it. In there most parts can be found.

For fat, probably pork is your easiest bet. But in the oil and fat sectorsin taiwan, “pure” is a relative term. Possible but tey and find someone as close to the source of killing the animal as possible. The more it is processed the more it is possible to be tainted.

traditional market pork is as fresh as it gets. The pig was killed that morning.

Many neighborhoods have a butcher or two or more but may not notice. Are still a lot of people that will only buy from the local butcher on the street. Just have to check around to find the butcher that has what you’re looking for.

Most open early and close early so even harder to locate sometimes.

Google Map search for traditional markets and you’ll see things in the neighborhood.

Many night markets more meat fish vegetable markets in the early mornings.

Where are you? There are neighborhood markets like this one.
Chenggong Market
Lane 192, Siwei Road, Da’an District, Taipei

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I’m struggling to understand what butcher here would not have the full range of pork offal. Maybe you are drawing blanks because you are asking for beef and lamb offal, you won’t get much there I’d hazard to guess.

Oh I did see chicken hearts at Carrefour yesterday. Fresh pork fat is in every super market you go to.

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Beef or lamb offals are going to be very hard to get. Most beef here is imported and they don’t want offals imported because of mad cow disease, however you might be able to get cow stomach or something because they are served here sometimes.

Goat guts are normally labelled as lamb/sheep/mutton guts if its acceptable

Look for shops like this.


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Before the CCP Virus messed up everyones day, we would complain about such vendors for their lack of selection. Dirty corpses in various degrees of decay are now a sight to be thankful for as they are of same species :slight_smile: