Where/how to find privates?

I’m looking for some private students (business professionals or university students) or editing work, but am unsure of where and how to go about it.

I used to teach English in Taiwan while I studied Chinese here years ago, and now am back in Taipei for a 9-5 job (non-teaching).

Can anyone recommend an agent or a good place to start? I’ve placed a listing on MYU, but am not sure how popular that site is with Taiwanese looking for a teacher. Also, I’m not keen to work for a school because of my current employment situation and possible restrictions.

Thanks guys! Any advice is appreciated.

(Xinnian Kuaile)

Oh! Private STUDENTS. I was thinking that one shouldn’t have to ask such a question. No one wants to answer the question you really asked, as it’s been discussed ad-nausium here already. But I’ll be kind. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and look at the classified section. Or try tealit. Or do a search.

Yeah dude, I searched and found endless posts about how much money can be made from privates and blah blah blah… but after about 30 minutes one gets tired of that and wants some advice on HOW to find them.

The tealit and taiwanwanted classifieds? Tell me truthfully, has anyone ever got a private from there? That’s schools advertising for teachers, not individuals posting an ad seeking private tuition. Hence my question about MYU… where do the Taiwanese students look?

Happy to stand corrected, but don’t be a prick about it.

I have found a few privates through that awful T-something webpage and also through thay MYU.com thingy. The best private work has been through word of mouth from a buxiban I have worked at previously or currently. Both websites turned up the kind of customer that I consider “not serious” and I have dropped them since. Word of mouth people have the advantage of also knowing through word of mouth that I am serious and will drop them if they are not. They tend to have a solid understanding of my business end of things and rise to the challenge.

Just look nice, network, post an ad, answer a few ads, and be reliable and prepared. Cut them if they think they can skip classes, and keep them if they are reliable. Charge lots or they won’t think you’re worth it. Be worth it.

I’ve heard of agents providing this service for a startup fee as well, but I don’t have any numbers for ya.

Just stick your neck out and see what happens. Hanging around cafes where the students you want to attract hang out can be useful as well.


Good info canuck, although I disagree about charging a lot. And I would add that having name/business cards is a good idea.

No need to be abusive to Housecat. I thought the “privates” joke was funny, and even if you didn’t like being told to search, his reply “bumped” your post up to the surface and saved it from slipping away into Forumosan oblivion.

Thanks, Canuck… helpful advice, and a good excuse to go to coffee shops on a regular basis.

Almas… yeah maybe I was a bit harsh on Housecat… but I’d have preferred no reply than his/her condescending “kindness”. That’s just me anyway.

Sorry, you can’t have any. They’re all mine. Mine I tell you!

Open your pants. There are your privates.

Seriously though, when I first got to Taiwan, I googled schools where I was living. Called this one number from the results and this lady set me up with a neighborhood and more. Luck of the draw, really. Got 6 to 7 hours/wk right there and networked for more.

Business professional…hmm,thats what I wanted last year.
anyway,so you want to look for part-time job.
Myabe you can try some webists of Human Resources .Like 104,1111…etc.
The tutors section you can post.
But some of them need to pay in advance.Like MYU.

1111.com.tw/talentsCA/job.as … talentCA03

Good luck!

Walk past a university around 4:30 pm or lunchtime. You’re almost guaranteed to be aproached (though sometimes they don’t have tons of money and are looking for language exchange). Put an ad on a bulletin board with a cellphone number (if the hospital will let you, this is a great source; nurses and doctors are always eager to improve their English, if/when they have time).

I’ve found private students through tealit. In fact, I still get the occasional email from an old ad I posted a couple years ago. The students saved it for later! My humor may be a little edgy sounding to you, but I intended to be helpful. And I’m a girl.

You can email this woman kindpatience@yahoo.com.tw her name is Jane.

I should have mentioned that she is a recruiter and welcomes your emails, you can send her a resume/pic and schedule as to when you would like to teach and she will try to help you, she does take a small fee for helping you depending on the amount of hours/wk it is, I know for a 2 hour private she would take the cash for the first class and that is all, she has gotten me privates in the past.

Good Luck.

Appreciate the tips guys!