Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?

I hadn’t heard about this one. By the Supersize Me guy. Looks like it would be funny. It probably shouldn’t be funny though. I guess Bush has a plan.

Wouldn’t it be funny if he’s been in New York City all this time?

Maybe he’s selling sexual paraphernalia at a porno shop.

I imagine he’s following the election coverage and planning the video he’ll release in late October of himself endorsing whatever candidate we’d most hate to see him endorse at that point in time.

Fox already had a poll about which Democrat Osama would most like to see elected.

Fox already had a poll about which Democrat Osama would most like to see elected.[/quote]

:laughing: Why am I surprised? The front-running Dem at the time the poll was taken won, right?

Feb 21

So I guess it wasn’t only Democrats. It was al fair and unbalanced.

Don’t ruin the ending for me, I want to see the film for myself to see if he finds him or not.

If Al Gordo had become president, I wonder if 911 . . . . I mean, if 911 . . . would Al Gordo . . . .

No, that’s not it.

There’s something I’m trying to ask here that makes sense but I don’t quite know how to put it. It has something to do with Al Gordo becoming president and whether 9/11 would have happened or not and whether we’d even be caring right about now whether Osama bin Laden was dead or alive if we’d just made a different presidential choice.

It’s all water under the bridge at this point though so it really doesn’t matter but you can’t help but wonder.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]Feb 21

So I guess it wasn’t only Democrats. It was al fair and unbalanced.[/quote]

God I hate Fox News. :noway: It is ridiculous to imagine Bin Laden backing Hillary or Obama. Culturally, Middle Easterners have a tendency to disrespect people of African descent, African Muslims included, and they respect women even less.
This kind of treatment would be more realistic:
When Condaleeza Rice was named Secretary of State, the Saudi press outdid themselves in lampooning the first black woman to serve as America’s top diplomat.

“They exaggerated her features and were amazingly crude and disrespectful in showing her body,” Peter Theroux told me. Theroux was asked to serve under Rice as Persian Gulf director from 2003-2005 when she was the National Security Adviser. “One cartoon from the daily Al-Watan showed her as a boxer with boxing gloves, hitting a punching bag shaped like an Arab; with her wearing some form-fitting thing that showed the shape of her breasts. You never, ever see Saudi newspaper cartoons show any woman that way, let alone a senior official in an allied government. But with Rice being black, and a woman, an infidel, and wielding power - I think that just pushed them over the edge.”

I was in Beirut when she first traveled there as Secretary in the summer of 2005 to show her support for an Arab society that had just come out of fifteen years of Syrian occupation. The pro-Syrian opposition protested her visit, including Hezbollah supporters who marched with placards that would have made a Klansman proud – “N——r,” read one sign with a picture of Ms. Rice’s face, “go home.”


Can we ship Rupert Murdoch back to Austraila now? How do we make sure his ARC doesn’t get renewed?


Osama been dead a long time.

But they can always bring the bogeyman out with their fake osama tapes when they need some new anti freedom laws introduced.

Even the state sponsored assassinated Benazir Bhutto admitted it on TV in an interview he was dead (not questioned about that of course).


Logically, Osama ought to support McCain (and vice versa). Each of them benefits politically by increased military tensions between the U.S. and the Islamic world.

[quote=“spook”]If Al Gordo had become president, I wonder if 911 . . . . I mean, if 911 . . . would Al Gordo . . . .

No, that’s not it.

There’s something I’m trying to ask here that makes sense but I don’t quite know how to put it. It has something to do with Al Gordo becoming president and whether 9/11 would have happened or not and whether we’d even be caring right about now whether Osama bin Laden was dead or alive if we’d just made a different presidential choice.

It’s all water under the bridge at this point though so it really doesn’t matter but you can’t help but wonder.[/quote]

sept 11th would have happend with al gore as president.

anyother musings that it would not is retarded.

[quote=“Chuanzao El Ale Destroyer”][quote=“spook”]If Al Gordo had become president, I wonder if 911 . . . . I mean, if 911 . . . would Al Gordo . . . .

No, that’s not it.

There’s something I’m trying to ask here that makes sense but I don’t quite know how to put it. It has something to do with Al Gordo becoming president and whether 9/11 would have happened or not and whether we’d even be caring right about now whether Osama bin Laden was dead or alive if we’d just made a different presidential choice.

It’s all water under the bridge at this point though so it really doesn’t matter but you can’t help but wonder.[/quote]

sept 11th would have happend with al gore as president.

anyother musings that it would not is retarded.[/quote]

As much as I like to pin bad things on Bush (don’t we all), I have to admit that you’re right. They were planning the attacks for years prior to this, as Al-Qaeda usually does.

But go ahead and instill the fear in people that we’ll get hit again if a Republican is elected, that’s good for my agenda. Dems don’t fearmonger as often as they should. This is why they lose elections.

[quote=“Chuanzao El Ale Destroyer”][quote=“spook”]If Al Gordo had become president, I wonder if 911 . . . . I mean, if 911 . . . would Al Gordo . . . .

No, that’s not it.

There’s something I’m trying to ask here that makes sense but I don’t quite know how to put it. It has something to do with Al Gordo becoming president and whether 9/11 would have happened or not and whether we’d even be caring right about now whether Osama bin Laden was dead or alive if we’d just made a different presidential choice.

It’s all water under the bridge at this point though so it really doesn’t matter but you can’t help but wonder.[/quote]

sept 11th would have happend with al gore as president.

anyother musings that it would not is retarded.[/quote]

So why would it really matter who Osama bin Laden prefers for president if he’ll behave exactly the same way either way? Maybe what’s really retarded is asking such a silly question in the first place and getting people to think silly things in response.

Where’s Osama Bin Laden?

In the most obvious of places. Guarding the late Sadam’s WMDs. :stuck_out_tongue: