Where is this? {Picture Quiz: Taiwan}

Mua ha ha ha ha!!:laughing:

The reeds on there would be a good place to bury a body.

Not mine, I hope. :hushed:

It always struck me as a strange spot sitting there in the middle of the city. I never thought that though, Jesus!

certainly not :slight_smile:

Yeah none of this leaving it for the tide bullshit. Those guys must be from Kansas or some shit

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If from Kansas means confused by the abuse of drugs, then yes, definitely.

They’re not in Kansas anymore, apparently…

I doubt any drugs are that confusing

depends on circumstances, drugs and alcohol can lead to temporary - and permanent - insanity.

Thanks I’m writing that down :slight_smile:

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No kidding. Like that guy hopped up on meth who decapitated his mom and threw her head off the apartment building.

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yeap, never heard of that particular one, but have heard similar.

Just happened on Thursday.


That is horrific (to state the obvious).

OK, too morbid. Time to change the subject.

No. 161


Datong Mountain, Shulin District?

No, but good guess.


Gonna need more info.