Where is this? {Picture Quiz: Taiwan}


Huajiangyanya Natural Park


Danshui Bike Path?

Shuangxi bike path?

Shezidao bike path?

That seems unlikely based on the general aspect and vegetation :slight_smile:

All noes

Def not a bike path


北投垃圾焚化廠主題館 ?

Warm! Sizzling really


唐永盛工程有限公司 ?



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Neishuangxi Trail?

舊雙溪河步道 ?

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One of scenic highpoints of sunny Shipai, also known as the Swamp

windy seconds too slow

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Looks pretty cool. I’ll have to try it.

Honestly it can be missed :slight_smile:

I was already 100 feet away from it…

Close but no cigar

Picture is from end of Wufen Industry Road off Chengde. A dismal approach in fact