Where is this? {Pic Quiz: World}

Another blurry Mongolian, ha ha, nice

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Nice isn’t the word that popped into my head…

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Oh, nice! Another

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Nobody guessing? :frowning_face:

too blury to establish Spartan, Greek, Roman .need clearer image of facemask and shield.Alexander , Leonides , Mars Achilles, so many possibles

I think we’re all Mongoled out…

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Is the statue located in Mongolia?

all noes.

It was a part of Mongol Empire.

It looks like Genghis in full battle armor.

more recent person

Kublai Khan?

Holy crap, my mother-in-law?

The person was born three centuries later.

No guess on country?





Now, who is he and where is the statue.

A hint:
He is a relative of Manap Biy.

Altan Khan?

Ablai Khan